Tenth International Conference held at Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, NY, October 7-9, 2005: “Miller and the Voice of Moral Authority.”
Panels presented:
“Interfacing Otherness in Incident at Vichy: Miller and Levinas Toward Infinity.” Lew Livesay, Saint Peterís College.
”Steve Biko, Social Justice, and Self-Sacrifice in Arthur Miller’s Incident at Vichy.” Elizabeth Reavey, Saint Peter’s College.
”When Racial Stereotyping Appears to be Fine: Miller’s Clara and Targeting the Scapegoat.” Alexis Smith, Saint Peter’s College.
”Real-World Lessons in the Literature Classroom: Using Arthur Miller to Teach Critical Thinking, Social Consciousness, and Humanity.” Kimberley Jenkins, Fairfax High School.
”Willy Loman: His Boys and Mine.” John Rouse, Saint Peter’s College.
”Comedy that Draws Blood in Resurrection Blues.” Joseph Kane, Jerstad-Agerholm.
“A Revolt of Possibility: A Symbolic Reading of Miller’s Incident at Vichy.” Joshua Polster, Washington University.
”Tituba: The Marginalized Figure in Miller’s The Crucible.” Tania Gray, Saint Peter’s College.
”Improvising through the Thirties: Vaudeville, Epic Theatricalism, and The American Clock.” Janet Balakian, Keane University.
”Meliorism and Miller: A Jamesian Reading of The Man Who Had All the Luck.” Charles S. Lassiter, Fordham University.
”Twelve Angry Men: The Arthur Miller Connection.” Nicole De Sapio, George Mason University.
”Neurosis, the Gift, and Friendship: A Phenomenological Reading of Miller’s Elegy for a Lady” Peter Costello, Providence College.
”From Ingenioso Hidalgo de la Mancha to Salesman in Beijing: Desengaño, Dreaming, and the Discontents of Empire.” Mark DeStephano, S.J., Saint Peter’s College.
”Uneasy Collaboration: Miller, Kazan, and After the Fall.” Brenda Murphy, University of Connecticut.
”Homely Girl, A Life: The Landscape of Manhattan.” Stephen Marino, St. Francis College.
”The Construction of a Period Dialect: Arthur Miller’s Language Sources for The Crucible.” Adrian Pablé, University of Berne.
”‘I want to help you drive out these . . . these thieves’: The Informer as Patriot.” Richard K. Tharpe, University of Maryland.
”Remembering Our Mentor, Arthur Miller.” Lew Livesay, Saint Peter’s College.
”Changing Views of an Attic: Designing Miller’s The Price.” Jane K. Dominik, San Joaquin College.
”The Trouble with Reality in Arthur Miller’s Some Kind of Love Story.” Susan C. W. Abbotson, Rhode Island College.
”Miller Reminiscences.” (in absentia) Steven R. Centola, Millersville University.
Other Activities: Banquet followed by Keynote Address, Christopher Bigsby, University of East Anglia. Film screening of A Memory of Two Mondays. Meeting of the Arthur Miller Society