1915 Arthur Asher Miller was born on October 17th in New York City; family lives at 45 West 110th Street.
1920-28 Attends Public School #24 in Harlem.
1923 Sees first play–a melodrama at the Schubert Theater.
1928 Bar-Mitzvah at the Avenue M temple. Father’s business struggling and family move to Brooklyn. Attends James Madison High School.
1930 Reassigned to the newly built Abraham Lincoln High School. Plays on football team, but gets a bad injury.
1931 Delivery boy for local bakery before school, and works for father’s business, Miltex, over summer vacation. Also drives a delivery van for a local auto-parts store.
1932 Graduates from Abraham Lincoln High School. Probable date for “In Memoriam,” a short story not published until 1995. Registers for night school at City College, but quits after two weeks.
1933-34 Clerks in an auto-parts warehouse, where he was the only Jew employed and had his first real, personal experiences of American anti-Semitism.
1934 Enters University of Michigan in the Fall to study journalism. Reporter and night editor on student paper, The Michigan Daily.
1936 Writes No Villain in six days and receives Hopwood Award in Drama. Transfers to an English major.
1937 Takes playwrighting class with Professor Kenneth T. Rowe. Rewrite of No Villain, titled, They Too Arise, receives a major award from the Bureau of New Plays and is produced in Ann Arbor and Detroit. Honors at Dawn receives Hopwood Award in Drama. Drives Ralph Neaphus East to join the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain during their Civil War, and decides not to go with him. Met Mary Slattery.
1938 The Great Disobedience receives second place in the Hopwood contest. They Too Arise is revised and titled The Grass Still Grows and submitted the following year for anticipated production in New York City (never materializes). Writes a verse play Of Time and the Sword (never produced). Graduates with a B.A. in English. Joins the Federal Theater Project in New York City to write/read radio plays and scripts, having turned down a much better paying offer to work as a scriptwriter for Twentieth Century Fox, in Hollywood.
1939 Writes Listen My Children, and You’re Next with Norman Rosten. Federal Theater is shut down and has to go on relief. Joe, the Motorman airs on 14 July on the The Rudy Vallee Hour (NBC). William Ireland’s Confession airs on 19 Oct. on Columbia Workshop (CBS).
1940 Marries Mary Grace Slattery. Writes The Golden Years. Meets Clifford Odets in a second-hand bookstore. The Pussycat and the Expert Plumber Who Was a Man, a radio play for Columbia Workshop (airs 29 Sept, CBS); access the script here. Sails alone to South America on the SS Copa for a two week trip to gather information for his play The Half Bridge (never produced).
1941 With Pearl Harbour, Kermit enlists in the infantry. Miller is classified 4F. Takes extra job working nightshift as a shipfitter’s helper at the Brooklyn Naval Yard. Writes other radio plays, Joel Chandler Harris (airs 23 June on Cavalcade of America, starring Karl Swenson and Agnes Moorehead), and Captain Paul (airs 27 Oct. on Cavalcade of America.). Writes a radio piece Buffalo Bill Disremembered for Library of Congress, and another piece about the early history of New Orleans. Travels to North Carolina to collect dialect speech for the folk division of the Library of Congress, resulting in the Library of Congress Radio Research Project: This is History. Wilmington, North Carolina.
1942 Writes radio plays The Battle of the Ovens (airs 22 June on Cavalcade of America), Thunder from the Mountains (airs 28 Sept., starring Orson Welles on Cavalcade of America.), I Was Married on Bataan (airs 5 Oct. on Cavalcade of America), Toward a Farther Star (airs 2 Nov. on Cavalcade of America), The Eagle’s Nest (airs 28 Dec. on Cavalcade of America), and The Four Freedoms (unsure where aired). In Nov. he joins Welles’ team to help create the CBS radio series Ceiling Unlimited– a contribution to the war effort and a glorification of the aviation industry–for which he also does some writing.
1943 Writes The Half-Bridge, and one-act, That They Might Win, produced in New York City by Stage for Action. Writes radio play Listen for the Sound of Wings (airs 19 April on Cavalcade of America). Short memoir piece “Grandfather and Emperor Franz Joseph” published in June edition of New Currents: A Jewish Monthly.
1944 Daughter, Jane Ellen, is born. Mayfair Magazine publishes “Ditchy” (short story). Writes radio plays The Story of Canine Joe (airs 21 Aug. on Cavalcade of America), and Glider Doctor, an episode for The Doctor Fights radio drama series (airs 20 June on CBS radio). Having toured army camps to research for The Story of G.I. Joe (a film for which he wrote the initial draft screenplay, but later withdrew from project when he saw they would not let him write it his way), he publishes book about experience, Situation Normal . . . . In November, The Man Who Had All The Luck premiers on Broadway but closes after six performances (including 2 previews), though receives the Theater Guild National Award.
1945 Focus (novel) is published. Writes radio plays Bernadine, I Love You (airs 5 March on Cavalcade of America), The Phillipines Never Surrendered (airs 30 April on Cavalcade of America), Grandpa and the Statue (airs 26 March on Cavalcade of America), and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (based on the Helen Jarome stage adaptation) also for the radio (airs 18 Nov. on Theater Guild of the Air), and Mare Island and Back, an episode for The Doctor Fights radio drama series (airs 19 June). Adapts Ferenc Molnar’s The Guardsman for the radio (airs on 30 Sept. on Theater Guild of the Air). New Masses publishes the article “Should Ezra Pound Be Shot?”
1946 Adapts George Abbott’s and John C. Holm’s Three Men on a Horse for radio (airs 6 Jan on Theater Guild of the Air ). Encore publishes the short story “The Plaster Masks.”
1947 All My Sons premiers and receives the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award, and the Donaldson Award. Collier’s Weekly publishes the short story “It Takes a Thief.” Son, Robert Arthur, is born. Writes The Story of Gus (radio play–published but never recorded). Goes to work for a short time in an inner city factory assembling beer boxes for minimum wage to stay in touch with his audience. Gives first interview to John K. Hutchens, for The New York Times. Explores the Red Hook area and tries to get into the world of the longshoremen there, and find out about Pete Panto, whose story would form the nucleus of his screenplay The Hook. Buys farmhouse in Roxbury Connecticut as a vacation home, and 31 Grace Court in the city. New York Times publishes the original “Subsidized Theatre” (revised in 2000 for Echoes Down the Corridor). Made an uncredited appearance as a man in a line up in Elia Kazan’s movie, Boomerang! Contributed to debate on “Should Ezra Pound Be Shot?” for New Masses.
1948 Built himself the small Connecticut studio in which he wrote Death of a Salesman. Trip to Europe with Vinny Longhi where got sense of the Italian background he would use for the Carbones and their relatives, also met some Jewish deathcamp survivors held captive in a post-war tangle of bureaucracy. Jewish Life Magazine publishes the article “Concerning Jews Who Write.”
1949 Death of a Salesman premiers and receives the Pulitzer Prize, the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award, the Antoinette Perry Award (Tony), the Donaldson Award, and the Theater Club Award, among others. New York Times publishes the essay “Tragedy and the Common Man,” and New York Herald Tribune the essay “The Nature of Tragedy.” Attends the pro-Soviet Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel to chair an arts panel with Odets and Dmitri Shostakovich.
1950 Adaption of Henrik Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People premiers. First sound recording of Death of a Salesman. New York Times publishes the essay “The Salesman Has a Birthday.”
1951 Meets Marilyn Monroe for the first time. The Hook fails to reach production due to pressure from HUAC. Yiddish production of Death of a Salesman, translated by Joseph Buloff (this is a much shorter version of the play). First film production of Death of a Salesman, with Frederic March, for Columbia Pictures. Ingeborg Morath comes to America. Harper’s Magazine publishes the short story “Monte Sant’ Angelo.” Viking publishes his version of An Enemy of the People with an “Introduction” by Miller.
1952 Visits the Historical Society “Witch Museum” in Salem, to research for The Crucible. New York Times publishes the essay “Many Writers: Few Plays.”
1953 The Crucible premiers and receives the Antoinette Perry Award, and the Donaldson Award. New York Times publishes the article “Journey to The Crucible.” Tries his hand at directing, with a production of All My Sons for the Arden, Delaware, summer theater. Holiday publishes the memoir essay “University of Michigan.”
1954 Asked to attend the Belgian premier of The Crucible, but unable to attend as denied passport by the US. First radio production of Death of a Salesman, airs on NBC. The Nation publishes the satirical article “A Modest Proposal for the Pacification of the Public Temper.”
1955 The one-act A View From the Bridge premiers in a joint bill with A Memory of Two Mondays. HUAC pressured city officials to withdraw permission for Miller to make a film he’d been planning about New York juvenile delinquency. Holiday magazine publishes the essay “The American Theater.” Includes the essay “On Social Plays” in the published edition of the one-acts A View from the Bridge and A Memory of Two Mondays. Holiday publishes the memoir essay “A Boy Grew in Brooklyn.”
1956 Lives in Nevada for six weeks in order to divorce Mary Slattery and gets the material for The Misfits. Marries Marilyn Monroe. Atlantic Monthly publishes the essay “The Family in Modern Drama” and Colorado Quarterly the essay “The Playwright in the Atomic World” (will be later retitled “1956 and All This”). Subpoenaed to appear before HUAC. Receives honorary Doctor of Human Letters (L.H.D.) from the University of Michigan. Goes to England with Monroe and meets Laurence Olivier. Revises A View From the Bridge into two acts for Peter Brook to produce in London, England. International Theatre Annual publishes the short essay “Concerning the Boom.”
BBC Radio broadcasts All My Sons on the Home Service.
1957 Arthur Miller’s Collected Plays is published with a lengthy introductory essay by Miller. Convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to name names to the House Un-American Activities Committee. Esquire publishes the short story “The Misfits.” First television production of Death of a Salesman, airs on Granada ITV, England. ITV airs an adaptation of Miller’s adaptation of Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People. First film version of The Crucible, retitled Les Sorcières de Salem, with a screenplay by Jean-Paul Sartre, released in France and Germany.
1958 United States Court of Appeals overturns his contempt conviction. Elected to the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Harper’s publishes the essay “The Shadows of the Gods.” New York Times publishes “Brewed in The Crucible.” Esquire publishes the essay “A Bridge to a Savage World” about a documentary he had been working on about juvenile delinquency. All My Sons airs as part of the ITV Play of the Week series.
1959 Receives the Gold Medal for Drama from the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Granada ITV airs new productions of The Crucible and A Memory of Two Mondays in the UK.
1960 Story publishes the short story “Please Don’t Kill Anything.” The Man Who Had All the Luck has a short production in England.
1961 Divorces Marilyn Monroe. Esquire publishes the short story “The Prophecy.” The Misfits (film) premiers. Recorded The Crucible: An Opera in Four Acts by Robert Ward and Bernard Stambler. Sidney Lumet directs a movie version of View From a Bridge. Renzo Rossellini adapts View from a Bridge into an Italian opera, Uno sguardo dal ponte. Mother, Augusta Miller dies.
1962 Marries Inge Morath. Second wife, Marilyn Monroe dies. Story publishes the short story “Glimpse at a Jockey.” Daughter, Rebecca Augusta, is born. NBC adaptation of Focus aired, starring James Whitmore. Harper’s publishes an essay about teens “The Bored and the Violent.”
1963 Publishes Jane’s Blanket (children’s book). Michigan Quarterly Review publishes and address Miller gives at the University of Michigan earlier in the year, “On Recognition.”
1964 After visiting the Mauthausen death camp with Inge, covers the Nazi trials in Frankfurt, Germany for the New York Herald Tribune, and published his reflection “The Nazi Trials and the German Heart.” After the Fall and Incident at Vichy premier at the new Lincoln Center. BBC Radio production of The Crucible.
1965 Elected president of International P.E.N., the international literary organization, and goes to Yugoslavian conference. Ulu Grosbard’s Off-Broadway production of A View from the Bridge. New York Times publishes the essay “What Makes Plays Endure?” New York Times Magazine publishes the short essay “Guilt and Incident at Vichy.”
1966 BBC2 television airs adaptation of Focus in the Theatre 625 series in the UK. First sound recording of A View From the Bridge. Father, Isidore Miller dies. Esquire publishes the short story “Recognitions” (later retitled “Fame”), and Saturday Evening Post publishes “A Search for a Future.” Son Daniel born. Death of a Salesman as a Play of the Month production for BBC1.
1967 Publishes the short story collection I Don’t Need You Anymore, all stories previously published except for “Fitter’s Night.” New York Times publishes the essay “It Could Happen Here–And Did.” Television production of The Crucible, airs on CBS (airs in UK in 1968). Sound recording of Incident at Vichy. Visits Moscow to persuade Soviet writers to join P.E.N. Rossellini’s opera of View, Uno
sguardo dal ponte premiers in the US. Michigan Quarterly Review publishes a talk he gave at the University of Michigan on “The Contemporary Theatre.”
1968 The Price premiers. Attends the Democratic National Convention in Chicago as the delegate from Roxbury. Sound recording of After the Fall. New York Times Magazine publishes the essay “The Battle of Chicago: From the Delegates’ Side.”
1969 Publishes In Russia (reportage with photographs by Inge Morath). Visits Czechoslovakia to show support for writers there and briefly met Václav Havel. Retires as President of P.E.N. New York Times publishes the essay “Broadway, From O’Neill to Now.” Saturday Evening Post publishes the memoir piece “Kidnapped?”
1970 Produces the one acts Fame and The Reason Why, the latter also filmed on Miller’s Roxbury estate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDv-l0iaWdI. Miller’s works are banned in the Soviet Union as a result of his work to free dissident writers. Gerald Arpino choreographs a ballet, The Poppet, based on The Crucible for City Center Joffrey Ballet.
1971 Sound recording of An Enemy of the People. Television productions of A Memory of Two Mondays, airs on PBS and The Price, airs on NBC. Penguin publishes The Portable Arthur Miller.
1972 The Creation of the World and Other Business premiers. Attends the Democratic National Convention in Miami as a delegate. First sound recording of The Crucible. New York Times publishes the essay “Arthur Miller vs. Lincoln Center.” Audience publishes “Arthur Miller on The Crucible” (his response to the Sartre film version). Esquire publishes the essay “Making Crowds.”
1973 Television production of Incident at Vichy, airs on PBS. Esquire publishes the short essay “Miracles.”
1974 Up From Paradise (a musical version of The Creation of the World and Other Business ) premiers at the University of Michigan. Television production of After the Fall, airs on NBC. Creation performed in the UK as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival by the Tangent Theatre Company. Travel and Leisure publish the short poetic piece “Rain in a Strange City.” Esquire publishes the short essay “What’s Wrong with This Picture?” Harper’s publishes the essay “The Limited Hang-Out: The Dialogues of Richard Nixon as a Drama of the Antihero.”
1975 Death of a Salesman has its first Broadway revival with George C. Scott as Willy Loman at the Circle in the Square Theatre. New York Times Magazine publishes the short essay “On True Identity.”
1976 Boston University Quarterly publishes “Ham Sandwich” (very short story) and “The Poosidin’s Resignation” (satirical short play).
1977 Publishes In the Country (reportage on Roxbury with Inge Morath). Miller petitions the Czech government to halt arrests of dissident writers. The Archbishop’s Ceiling premiers in Washington, D.C.
1978 Robert A. Martin edits and publishes The Theater Essays of Arthur Miller. Fame (film) airs on NBC. Belgian National Theatre does 25th anniversary production of The Crucible, and this time Miller can attend. Atlantic Monthly publishes the short story “The 1928 Buick” and Esquire publishes the short story “White Puppies.” Index on Censorship publishes the short essay “The Son of Power.”
1979 Publishes Chinese Encounters (reportage with Inge Morath).
1980 Playing for Time (film) airs on CBS. The American Clock premiers at the Spoleto Festival in South Carolina, then opens later in New York City. TV film Arthur Miller on Home Ground airs on PBS.
1981 Publishes the second volume of Arthur Miller’s Collected Plays. The Crucible by the BBC was presented in two parts (with a ten minute news piece in between).
1982 Premiers the one acts Elegy for a Lady and Some Kind of Love Story under the title 2 by A.M. in Connecticut, directed by Miller. Michigan Quarterly Review publishes the essay “The American Writer: The American Theater.”
1983 Directs Death of a Salesman at the People’s Art Theater in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China. House and Garden publishes the short essay “After the Spring.” Life publishes the short essay “Suspended in Time.” Esquire publishes the short essay “The Night Ed Murrow Struck Back.”
1984 Publishes Salesman in Beijing. Publishes Elegy of a Lady and Some Kind of Love Story under the new title Two-Way Mirror. Miller receives Kennedy Center Honors for his lifetime achievement. Revives Death of a Salesman on stage with Dustin Hoffman for its third Broadway production. Revised version of The Archbishop’s Ceiling produced at the Cleveland Playhouse. The New York Times Book Review publishes the short essay “The Face in the Mirror: Anti-Semitism Then and Now.” Architectural Digest publishes the short essay “Thoughts on a Burned House.” TV Guide publishes a short commentary: Tennessee Williams’ Legacy: An Eloquence and Amplitude of Feeling.”
1985 Death of a Salesman with Dustin Hoffman airs on CBS to an audience of 25 million. Miller goes to Turkey with Harold Pinter for International PEN. A delegate at a meeting of Soviet and American writers in Vilnius, Lithuania, where tries to persuade the Soviets to stop persecuting writers. Royal Shakespeare Company produces the one-acts of Elegy for a Lady and Some Kind of Love Story. The Nation publishes the essay “Dinner with the Ambassador.”
1986 Publishes a monologue, “I Think About You a Great Deal.” One of fifteen writers and scientists invited to the Soviet Union to conference with Mikhail Gorbachov and discuss Soviet policies. British production of The Archbishop’s Ceiling by Royal Shakespeare Company premiers, with a restored script.
1987 One acts I Can’t Remember Anything and Clara are produced under the title Danger: Memory! Publishes Timebends: A Life (autobiography), which appeared as a Book-of-the-Month Club popular selection. University of East Anglia names its centre for American studies, the Arthur Miller Centre. The Golden Years premiers on BBC Radio. Television production of All My Sons, airs on PBS.
1989 New York Times publishes the essay “Again They Drink from the Cup of Suspicion.” Index on Censorship publishes the short commentary “Ibsen’s Warning.”
1990 Releases Everybody Wins, a film based on Some Kind of Love Story. Television production of Miller’s translation of An Enemy of the People, airs on PBS. Michigan Quarterly Review publishes the short story “Bees.” New York Times Magazine publishes the short essay “Uneasy About the German’s: After the Wall.” Provided the voices of John Brown and William Tecumseh Sherman in nine different episodes of the Ken Burns’ TV Mini Series Documentary The Civil War. As president of PEN, the preface for Donna A. Demac’s Liberty Denied: The Current Rise of Censorship in America for Rutgers University Press.
1991 Premiers the one-act The Last Yankee. Premiers The Ride Down Mt. Morgan in London, England with Tom Conti in the lead role. Receives Mellon Bank Award for lifetime achievement in the humanities. Television production of Clara airs, as well as an interview on A&E. South Bank Show television special on Miller in the UK. The Nation publishes Miller’s views on Nelson Mandela “The Measure of the Man.”
1992 Publishes the novella Homely Girl, firstly in Grand Street, and then with two earlier short stories (“Fame” and “Fitter’s Night”) in its own edition. New York Times publishes the short satirical piece “Get It Right: Private Executions.” American Theater publishes the short commentary “Lost Horizon.” First International Arthur Miller Conference at Millersville University.
1993 Premiers expanded version of The Last Yankee. Television production of The American Clock, airs on TNT. New York Times publishes the article “We’re Probably in an Art That Is––Not Dying.” Publishes the essay “The Good Old American Apple Pie in the collection Censored Books: Critical Viewpoints.
1994 Broken Glass premiers in US and UK, in the UK it wins the Olivier Award for Best Play. Interviews on The Charley Rose Show, PBS. New Republic publishes the short commentary “The Parable of the Stripper.”
1995 Receives William Inge Festival Award for distinguished achievement in American theater. Tributes to the playwright on the occasion of his eightieth birthday are held in England and America. Publishes the novella and short stories combo Homely Girl, A Life and Other Stories. Publishes the poen “Lola’s Lament” in Unleashed, Poem’s by Writers’ Dogs. New York Times publishes the short satirical piece “Let’s Privatize Congress.” Second International Arthur Miller Conference at Millersville University.
1996 Receives the Edward Albee Last Frontier Playwright Award. Publishes the revised and expanded book of Theater Essays, edited by Robert A. Martin and Steven R. Centola. Publishes a commentary on Mark Twain in an Oxford University Press edition of Twain’s Chapters from My Autobiography. Death of a Salesman in the English File series for BBC Schools directed by David Thacker’s in five-parts. Third International Arthur Miller Conference at Utica College of Syracuse University.
1997 Produces a revised version of The Ride Down Mt. Morgan for its American premier in Williamstown, MA, with F. Murray Abraham in the lead role. The Crucible (film with Daniel Day Lewis) opens. BBC television production of Broken Glass airs.
1998 Premiers Mr. Peters’ Connections with Peter Falk in the lead role as part of the Signature Theatre’s season of Miller’s work. Major revival of A View From the Bridge with Anthony LaPaglia wins two Tony Awards. Miller is named as the Distinguished Inaugural Senior Fellow of the American Academy in Berlin. Revised version of The Ride Down Mt. Morgan appears on Broadway, starring Patrick Stewart. Harper’s Magazine publishes the poem “Waiting for the Teacher” and in New Yorker publishes the essay “Before Air-Conditioning.” New York Times publishes the short commentary “Clinton in Salem.” Fourth International Arthur Miller Conference at Millersville University.
1999 Revives Death of a Salesman on Broadway with Brian Dennehy for the play’s 50th anniversary, and wins Tony for Best Revival of a Play. Another Opera version of A View from the Bridge, with music by William Bolcom and a libretto by Arthur Miller, premiers at Lyric Opera of Chicago. Publishes the short commentary “Salesman at Fifty” in Penguin’s 50th anniversary reissue of Death of a Salesman. Gives the lecture “The Crucible in History” at Harvard University. New York Times publishes the short commentary “The Price––The Power of the Past.” Harper’s publishes the essay “Note on Realism.” Arthur Miller Society begins to publish a Newsletter, first annual, then biannual. Special Arthur Miller Conference: “Miller and the Holocaust” at Kean University. Fifth International Arthur Miller Conference at St. Francis College, Brooklyn.
2000 The Ride Down Mount Morgan appears again on Broadway with Patrick Stewart, also a Broadway revival of The Price. There are major 85th birthday celebrations for Miller held at University of Michigan and at the Arthur Miller Center at UEA, England. Publishes Echoes Down the Corridor (collected essays from 1944-2000), edited by Steve A. Centola. Miller provides narration for a TV movie version of “The Ryan Interview” directed by Fred Barzyk, script adapted by Ira Simmons.
2001 Untitled, a previously unpublished one act written for Vaclav Havel appears in New York. Williamstown Theater Festival revives The Man Who Had All the Luck. Focus, a film based on the book, is made with William H. Macy. Miller is awarded a NEH Fellowship and the John H. Finley Award for Exemplary Service to New York City. Harper’s publishes “Amercian Playhouse: On Politics and the Art of Acting,” followed by the publication of the book On Politics and the Art of Acting (both based on the Jefferson Lecture Miller gave when received the NEH Fellowship). Movie originally titled Plain Jane, based on Miller’s novella Homely Girl, A Life is released on video in Europe under the new title Eden, but not in the US. Miller plays a small role in the movie (Jane’s dying father–filmed in Roxbury). New Yorker publishes the short story “Bulldog.” Sixth International Arthur Miller Conference at Felician College.
2002 New York City revivals of The Man Who Had All the Luck, with Chris O’Donnell, and The Crucible, with Liam Neeson. Third wife, Inge Morath dies on 30 Jan. Premiers Resurrection Blues at the Guthrie Theater in Minnesota. Awarded the International Spanish Award: Premio Prìncipe de Asturias de las Letras. New Yorker publishes the short stories “The Bare Manuscript” and “The Performance.” Meets Agnes Barley. Seventh International Arthur Miller Conference at San Joaquin Delta College, CA.
2003 Awarded the Jerusalem Prize. Elia Kazan dies on 28 Sept. Brother, Kermit Miller dies on October 17th. Esquire publishes the short story “The Presence.” The Nation publishes the commentary “Why Israel Must Choose Justice.” Eighth International Arthur Miller Conference at Nicolet College, Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
2004 New York City revival of After the Fall with Peter Berg. Premier of Finishing the Picture. The Nation publishes the commentary “A Visit with Castro.” Ninth International Arthur Miller Conference at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY.
2005 Miller dies of heart failure in his Connecticut home on 10th February. Memorial Services held in Roxbury and NY. Miller’s estate donates 55 acres along Tophet Road, to the Roxbury Land Trust, to become the Arthur Miller and Inge Morath Miller Preserve. Harper’s Magazine posthumously publishes the short story “Beavers.” Southwest Review publishes the lengthy short story “The Turpentine Still.” Tenth International Arthur Miller Conference held at Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, NY.
Arthur Miller Society statement: Arthur Miller died with the same dignity by which he had always lived, at his home in Connecticut on February 10th, at the age of 89, and he will be greatly missed by all who knew him or his work. A great writer, a staunch humanitarian, and vital human being, his biggest legacy is his writing, and he has thankfully left us with a great wealth. It will be the society’s privilege to continue to promote and study this national treasure.
The following obituary was printed in the New York Times on 2/14/05:
2006 Arthur Miller Society begins to publish the referred Arthur Miller Journal on a biannual basis. It includes original articles, interviews, notes and reviews of books and productions. See here for more information. The Arthur Miller Freedom to Write Lecture is established, the first lecturer being Orhan Pamuk whom Miller had met on his trip to Turkey with Harold Pinter. Eleventh International Arthur Miller Conference held at Community College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas.
2007 The Arthur Miller Theatre is opened at the University of Michigan.
2008 Publishes Presence: Stories (2008), a posthumous collection of short stories, mostly previously published in magazines. First wife, Mary Slattery, dies.
2009 Methuen releases a six volume set that contains all of Miller’s dramatic works, including Finishing the Picture. A film version of The Man Who Had All the Luck, directed by Scott Ellis with screenplay by Rebecca Miller, was scheduled for release, but then got shelved.
2010 A script for a film version of The Ride Down Mt. Morgan, was created by the director Nicole Kassell, who asked Michael Douglas to consider the role of Lyman–but never reached pre-production.
2012 New York City revival of Death of a Salesman with Philip Seymour Hoffman wins two Tony Awards (Best Revival and Best Direction).
2013 Timebends: A Life is released on Kindle.
2014 Two new ballets created based on The Crucible (in California and Scotland). Ivo van Hove’s stripped down production of A View from the Bridge opens at Young Vic in London; this is also filmed to be screened in cinemas by National Theatre Live.
2015 Stage premiers in England of both The Hook (adapted from Miller’s screenplay), and his first ever play, No Villain. The Royal Shakespeare Company also mount Death of a Salesman with Sir Anthony Sher in the lead role. In New York, a new extended Yiddish language version of Death of a Salesman. Off-Broadway sees successful revival of Incident at Vichy that is also televised. Numerous events and performances worldwide to celebrate Miller’s centennial, including Centennial International Arthur Miller Conference (12th) held at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY. Complete Collected Essays edited by Matthew Roudané is published by Bloomsbury. Library of America completes its 3 volume collection of Miller’s plays, edited by Tony Kushner (third volume contains a fair amount of earlier unpublished material).
2016 New York City revivals of A View from the Bridge and The Crucible (both directed by Ivo Van Hove)–A View from the Bridge wins Tony awards for Best Revival and best Direction of a drama. The Arthur Miller Foundation celebrated Arthur Miller’s 100th Birthday with a star-studded, one-night-only performance of Miller’s seminal works. Penguin publishes Collected Essays, edited by Susan C. W. Abbotson, with the essays thematically grouped. Penguin publishes Presence: Collected Stories, containing most of the published short fiction in one volume. Oct. 17th an updated website for the Arthur Miller Society was launched and the Historic Landmarks Preservation Center of the New York State Council on the Arts recognized one of the residences where Miller lived in Brooklyn Heights–62 Montague Street–the first Brooklyn apartment Miller lived after his marriage to Mary Slattery.
2017 Broadway revival of The Price with all-star cast: Tony Shalhoub (Walter), John Turturro (Victor), Jessica Hecht (Esther), and Danny DeVito (Solomon). DeVito won a Drama Desk Award. Revival of Incident at Vichy does well in London’s Finborough Theatre. Rebecca Miller released a documentary about her father, Arthur Miller: Writer and showed it at several film festivals.
2018 Arthur Miller: Writer on HBO beginning in March. Finborough Theatre produces UK premier of Finishing the Picture. Opera version of A Memory of Two Mondays performed. New stage version of The Misfits at Corn Exchange in Ireland.
2019 Revivals on Broadway of All My Sons (with Annette Benning and Tracy Letts) and in the West End All My Sons (with Bill Pullman, Sally Field, Colin Morgan, and Jena Coleman); also American Clock at the Old Vic (directed by Rachel Chavkin), and an all-black Death of a Salesman at the Young Vic (with Wendell Pierce and Sharon D. Clarke), as well as The Price at Wyndham Theater with David Suchet, Brendan Coyle, Adrian Lukis, and Sara Stewart, and The Crucible at The Yard with a female actor playing John Proctor (That’s five major London productions in a single season–several with extended runs). Rebecca Miller donates Miller’s writing studio to the Minor Memorial Library of the Town of Roxbury, Connecticut to operate as a “museum” and site for “Miller inspired events.” Harry Ransom Center at University of Texas, Austin, TX catalogs their entire Miller collection and opens it to all (though some items will not be available until 2047). Thirteenth International Arthur Miller Conference held at Ashland University, OH.
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2020 US premier of No Villain by Studio Theatre of Long Island. US premier of The Hook by Brave New World Repertory Theatre in Brooklyn (an initial staged reading was done in the summer of 2019) was planned but had to be cancelled due to coronavirus shutting down theaters. Many other intended productions of Miller’s work was cancelled or indefinitely postponed as COVID sent the nation into a massive close down. First Miller Society podcast was broadcast (see here for links to all the episodes).
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2021 Close downs continue, though several theatre companies are able to live stream productions, many created on Zoom, where actors are all performing on separate screens in different places. This format seemed to favor some of Miller’s radio work and shorter pieces. Broadway and regional theaters slowly reopen for the Fall.
2022 Miller’s younger sister, the actress Joan Copeland, dies in January at the age of 99. Miller’s elder son, Robert Miller also dies, 6 March at the age of 74. Broadway recreates the all-black Death of a Salesman from the Young Vic (with Wendell Pierce and Sharon D. Clarke) for a 17-week run. Britain’s National Theatre revival of The Crucible.
2023 Britain’s National Theatre revival of The Crucible becomes part of the National Theatre Live catalog, playing at cinemas home and abroad. Different touring productions of A View from the Bridge in both the UK and Italy. Major production of Death of a Salesman in Melbourne, Australia with Anthony LaPaglia, that will relocate the following year for runs in Sydney and Perth.
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2024 After playing at Theatre Royal Bath, a production of A View from the Bridge starring Dominik West opens in the West End for a successful run. New play by David Edgar, Here in America, presents his take on the close relationship between Miller and Elia Kazan from 1950s through to 1964. Fourteenth International Arthur Miller Conference held at Minor Memorial Library, Roxbury, CT.
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2025 A major tour of Death of a Salesman in the UK starring David Hayman–taking in eleven cities in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. 15th International Arthur Miller Conference in Roxbury, CT.