List of Theses and Dissertations that feature Arthur Miller and his Work from the WorldCat database (and a few more from S. Koorey’s bibliography). Accessing these may be a matter of where you are and to what library resources you have access. Good university libraries have inter-library loan services that can help you access some of these, there are also a lot of dissertations available through Proquest and other databases, such as OATD, also several online websites offer further ideas, such as this one: 10 Best Dissertation Databases.
Where known, the page count and the degree for which the piece was written are indicated, as well as detail as to what aspects of Miller’s work are included if not evident from the title. All can be assumed to be in English except where stated otherwise.
- Constable, Charles Robert. All My Sons by Arthur Miller. Ohio State, pp. 99, (MA)
- Chapman, George. The Death of a Salesman: A Psychological Study. Texas College of Arts and Industries, pp. 103. (MA)
- Converse, Philip E. A Study in the American Drama: Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Iowa, pp. 84. (MA)
- Lord, Deane Worth. An Examination of Arthur Miller’s Play Death of a Salesman in Light of Aristotle’s Ideas of Action, Plot and the Tragic Hero. Diss. Smith College, pp. 73. (MA)
- Gelia, Charles. A Study of the Representative Plays of Four Contemporary Playwrights, Eugene O’Neill, Maxwell Anderson, Tennessee Williams, and Arthur Miller, in the Light of a Theory of Tragedy. Canisius College, pp. 123. (MA)
- Sievers, W. David. Freud on Broadway; A History of Psychoanalysis and the American Drama. University of Southern California, 1951 (PhD). Published by Hermitage House in 1955.
- Cagle, Robert Kennon. A Study of Dramatic and Theatrical Techniques Common to the Plays of William Saroyan, Tennessee Williams, and Arthur Miller. Southern Illinois University, pp. 62. (MA)
- Fisher, William. Trends in Post-Depression American Drama; A Study of the Works of William Saroyan. Tennessee Williams, Irwin Shaw, Arthur Miller. Diss. New York University, pp. 407. (PhD). Published by Ann Arbor.
- Mason, Richard Francis. From Script to Scenario: The Motion-Picture Adaptation of Two Plays by Arthur Miller and Two Plays by Tennessee Williams. University of Wisconsin-Madison, pp. 169. (MS)
- Reyes, Raul. Arthur Miller’s Concept of Tragedy: Its Application to His Works. Diss. University of Arkansas, pp. 60. (MA)
- Ashford, Jack Arthur. A Production Script of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. University of Texas at Austin, pp. 155 (plus illus.) (MFA)
- Goodsell, Gilbert Dean. Tragic Elements in the Major Plays of Arthur Miller. University of Virginia, pp. 65. (MA)
- Moss, Leonard. The Tragic Theme in Two American Playwrights, Maxwell Anderson and Arthur Miller. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 81. (MA)
- Kutrzeba, Joseph S. An Enemy of the People; An Adaptation for the American Stage by Arthur Miller. Yale University. Production book, with essay and bibliography for May 9-12, 1956, Experimental Theatre production. (MFA)
- Moore, Don D. Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams: Dramatists of Frustration. Diss. Vanderbilt University, pp. 57. (MA)
- Anderson, Frances Elizabeth. The Theme of the Martyr in Saint Joan by Bernard Shaw and The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Denver. (MA)
- Duel, Lois. Arthur Miller’s Theory of Tragedy in Death of a Salesman as Compared with Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy in The Poetics. Diss. Winona State College, pp. 47. (MS)
- Freedman, Debra K. The Social Consciousness of the American Jewish Playwright: A Study of Elmer Rice, Sidney Kingsley, Clifford Odets, and Arthur Miller. Diss. Mount Holyoke College, pp. 111. (BA)
- Hays, Louise Elizabeth. The Design and Construction of Costumes for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. San Jose State College.
- Kohn, James Allen. The Meaning and Development of Tragedy in Plays of Arthur Miller. Harvard University (Honors BA)
- Soller, Robert A. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: A Production Book and Critical Essay. University of Hawaii. (MFA)
- Carson, Herbert L. Modern Tragedy and Its Origins in Domestic Tragedy: A Study of Selected English and American Domestic Tragedies from Elizabethan to Modern Times. Diss. University of Minnesota. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Cheung, Diana Mun Ling. Arthur Miller: A Study of Six Plays. Diss. Reed College, pp. 63. (BA)
- Geier, Woodrow A. Images of Man in Five American Dramatists: A Theological Critique. Diss. Vanderbilt University. (PhD). (Tennessee Williams, Eugene O’Neill, Paul Green, Maxwell Anderson, and Arthur Miller).
- Heemann, Paul Warren. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: A Study of the Playwright’s Dramatic Theory and Method. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (MA)
- Morse, George C. The Nature of Conflict in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Redlands (MA)
- Phillips, Gary Joseph. A Concept of Self Derived from Three Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. San Francisco State College. (MA)
- Stahl, Laurette M. Sophocles, Shakespeare and the Moderns: A Study in the Changing Concept of Tragedy. Diss. Danbury State Teachers College 32pp. (MS) (Miller represents the Moderns)
1960: (It seems to be around this year that University of Michigan began collecting Miller dissertations on microfilm)
- Fleming, Isabelle. Chekhovian Influence and Parallels in the Works of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Diss. Columbia University, pp. 78. (MA)
- Goldstein, Arnold M. Law and Authority: An Approach to Arthur Miller. Diss. Harvard University. (BA Hons)
- Holecek, Mary Bettina. The Functions of Dramatic Structure in Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Detroit. (MA)
- Polhemus, Ann Sherlock. Arthur Miller and Greek Tragedy. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (MA)
- Roulet , William M. Arthur Miller: Dramatic Theory and Practice. St. John’s University, pp. 69. (MA)
- Staub, August William. The Subjective Perspective; Aspects of Point of View in Modern Drama. Diss. Louisiana State University. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Aguirre, Patricio González. La Muerte de un Viajante y lo Trágico. Universidad de Chile, pp. 62. (Spanish)
- Benchley, Peter. Technique in the Mood Play: Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Diss. Harvard University. (BA Hons) (Yes, this is same guy who wrote Jaws etc!!!!)
- Freling, Roger Norman. A Study of the Principal Characters in Arthur Miller’s Plays. Diss. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, pp. 53. (MA)
- Wilson, William W. Parallels in the Plays of Henrik Ibsen and Arthur Miller in a Crusade for Moral Responsibility. Diss. Southern Connecticut State College, 41. (MS)
- Barden, Mary Lois. A Critical Analysis of Moral Concepts in Three Plays by Arthur Miller. University of Houston, pp. 51. (MA)
- Hitchens, Attention Must Be Paid: A Study of Social Values in Four Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. Columbia University, pp. 193 (MA)
- Johnson, Vernon Elso. Dramatic Influences in the Development of Arthur Miller’s Concept of Social Tragedy. George Peabody College for Teachers pp. 204 (PhD) (Salesman, Sons, Crucible, Memory of Two, View and Enemy)
- Longmire, Roy Harmon. An Analysis, Scene Design, and Technical Production of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Tulane University of Louisiana, pp. 110. (MFA)
- Nassau, Robert David. The Concept of the Modern Dramatic Hero in the Works of Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams. Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 73. (BS)
- Ronder, Paul Sheldon. Arthur Miller and the Drama of Inaction. Harvard University. (BA Honors)
- Stark, Howard James. Arthur Miller’s Concept of Tragedy: A Thesis. University of the Pacific, pp. 151. (MA)
- Wyman, Willard Gordon, Jr. The Social Conscience of Arthur Miller. Stanford University, pp. 96. (MA)
- Daley, Dolores. Genuine Tragedy Through the Blending of the Newer Elements of Modern Drama in Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Saint Mary’s University (Halifax, N.S.), pp. 62. (MA)
- Dingman, A View From the Bridge. Diss. Boston University, pp. 212 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Grandey, Truman William. The Development of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Arizona, pp. 83. (MA).
- Hornish, Rudy A. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: The Tragedy of the Common Man. Diss. Seton Hall University. (MA)
- Johnson, Robert Garrett. A General Analysis of Three of Arthur Miller’s Plays: Death of a Salesman, The Crucible and All My Sons. University of Denver, pp. 286. (PhD)
- McBride, Jane M. An Existential Examination of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Houston, pp. 80. (MA).
- Parks, Richard Dee. An Exploration of the Anagnorisis in Tragedy as Applied to Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. University of Washington, pp. 39. (MA)
- Ponderoso, Louis M. A Master’s Thesis Consisting of I. Production Log Book for the Role of Marco in [A] View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller; II. Acting Book for the Role of Marco in [A] View from the Bridge; Acting Book for the Role of Hamlet in Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Diss. Boston University. (MFA)
- Schaunaman, Ellen Rose. A Comparison of the Tragic Elements in Antigone, King Lear, and Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Redlands, pp. 64. (MA).
- Sheldon, Social Commentary in the Plays of Clifford Odets and Arthur Miller. Diss. New York University, pp. 231. (PhD)
- Bartlett, George Lawrence David. The Relationship Between the Family and Society in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. State University of New York at Buffalo, pp. 79. (MA)
- Calvery, Catherine Ann. Illusion in Modern American Drama: A Study of Selected Plays by Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, and Eugene O’Neill. Tulane University, pp. 138. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Erwin, Martin N. The Use of Blocks of Past Time in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (MA)
- Schwalb, Sanford. Thematic Developments in Arthur Miller’s Plays. University of Tennessee, pp. 105.
- Smyth, Phyllis. The Image of Man in Contemporary American Drama: With Special Reference to the Plays of Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller. Diss. McGill University, pp. 114. (BA)
- Thurman, William Richard. Anxiety in Modern American Drama. University of Georgia pp. 256. (PhD) (Miller and O’Neill)
- Van Allen, An Examination of the Reception and Critical Evaluation of the Plays of Arthur Miller in West Germany from 1950-1961. Diss. University of Arkansas, pp. 218. (PhD)
- Weissman, Patricia Johnson. The Thematic Relevance of Imagery in Death of a Salesman. Diss. Ohio University pp. 55. (MA)
- Wilkinson, Richard Thomas. Arthur Miller Manuscripts at the University of Texas. University of Texas. (MLS)
- Witham, Barry. A Study of the Imagery in The Crucible. University of Iowa, pp. 111. (MA)
- Beltzer, Lee. The Plays of Eugene O’Neill, Thornton Wilder, Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams on the London Stage, 1945-1960. Diss. University of Wisconsin, pp. 944. (PhD) (Sons, Salesman, Crucible and View)
- Gentry, Glenda Elaine. Spatial Form in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman and After the Fall. Diss. University of Redlands, pp. 133. (MA)
- Hoyt, The Social Message of Arthur Miller as Found in His Play The Crucible. Diss. Danbury State College, pp. 84. (MS)
- Martin, Robert Allen. The Major Plays and Critical Thought of Arthur Miller to the Collected Plays. Diss. University of Michigan, pp. 185 (PhD) [Though possible, given other listed publications, this does not seem to be the same Martin who edited the Theatre Essays]
- Spiller, Ellen Brubaker. The Influence of Henrik Ibsen on Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Houston, pp. 86. (MA)
- Swan, Mary Beverly. Attitudes Towards the American Dream in Selected Plays of Edward Albee and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Rhode Island, pp. 83. (MA)
- Van Der Poll, Four Studies in Modern American Tragedy. Diss. University of Oklahoma, pp. 78 (MA) (Miller, MacLeish, O’Neill and Maxwell Anderson)
- Walter, Das Wortfeld Attraction-Repulsion in den Stücken von Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman und A View from the Bridge. Diss. University of Applied Sciences Weingarten, Germany.
- Woods, Allie, Jr. Social Implications as Reflected in Five Plays by American Contemporary Playwrights. Diss. Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University. (MS) (Miller, O’Neill, Rice, Odets and Hansberry)
- Aaron, Chloe Wellingham. Arthur Miller: Evolution of an American Playwright. Diss. George Washington University, pp. 119. (MA)
- Ashley, Franklin Bascom. The Theme of Guilt and Responsibility in Selected Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 43. (MA)
- Ayers, James Leonard. A Design of a Setting for A View from the Bridge. Diss. University of Georgia, pp. 80 (w, illus.). (MFA)
- Boyd , Sharon Otheal. Sounds of the Stage: The Use of Music and Sounds as an Expressionistic Technique in Modern American Drama. Diss. Mississippi College, pp. 58 (MA) (Miller, O’Neill and Williams)
- Eickelberg, Arthur Miller: Theory and Practice. Diss. Kansas State University, pp. 47. (MA)
- Flannery, Cathleen Bernadette. The Theme of Responsibility in the Plays of Arthur Miller. University of Maryland, pp. 41. (MA)
- Gilliard, Frederick William. Dignity in Arthur Miller’s Drama. University of Montana, pp. 117. (MA)
- Lappin, James Brooke. An Analysis of Riders on Actors’ Equity Association Contracts as Derived from Three Kermit Bloombarden Productions of the Arthur Miller Play, Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Wisconsin—Madison, pp. 61. (MS)
- Losano, Wayne A. Arthur Miller’s Characters. Diss. Boston College, pp. 79. (MA)
- Moor, Form and Meaning in Arthur Miller’s After the Fall. Diss. Roosevelt University, pp. 49. (MA)
- Murray, Edward James. Structure, Character, and Theme in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Univ. of Southern California. (PhD)
- Roberts, Kenneth Harris. The Lincoln Center Repertory Theater, 1958-1965. Diss. Ohio State University. (PhD) (After)
- Stanley, Linda Claire. Guilt in Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Rhode Island, pp. 67 (MA)
- Stinchfield, Nancy Jean. A Parallel: Realization of Self in the Plays of Henrik Ibsen and Arthur Miller. University of Wisconsin—Madison, pp. 87. (MS)
- Buzecky, Robert Conrad. The Origins of Arthur Miller’s Dramatic Theories. Diss. University of Wisconsin—Madison, pp. 124. (MA)
- Collins, Myrtis M. The Historic Technique of Arthur Miller. Diss. Wichita State University, pp. 37. (MA)
- DeWaide, Sandia Lou. The Female Characters in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. San Diego State College, pp. 121. (MA)
- Foreman, Howard Earl. Arthur Miller and Modern Tragedy. Diss. Colorado State University, pp. 66. (MA)
- Howell, Diane Louise. The Tragic Mode as Expressed in the Dramatic Works of Arthur Miller. Diss. San Francisco State College, pp. 129. (MA)
- Long, Madeleine J. Sartrean Themes in Contemporary American Literature. Diss. Teachers College, Columbia University, pp. 238. (Ed. D) (Chapter on Salesman)
- Mintz, Linda Barnett. The Problem of Aggression in Arthur Miller’s After the Fall. Diss. Tulane University of Louisiana, pp. 62. (MA)
- Scott, Earnest Milton. Action as an Existential Element in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Washington, pp. 102. (MA)
- Smith, Phyllis Shuff. Arthur Miller: A Writer of Tragedy. Diss. East Carolina University, pp. 92. (MA)
- Vafeades, George S. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: Its Application in the Teaching of Literature. Diss. Queens College, pp. 66 (MS)
- Wood, Carolann. Arthur Miller: Is It Possible for the Individual to Shape His Own Destiny? University of Massachusetts, pp. 84. (MA)
- Jamink, Theresa Aquin. The Dramatic Value of the Parent-Child Relationship in Three Plays by Arthur Miller: All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, and A View from the Bridge. Catholic University of America, pp. 48 (MA in Drama)
- Juneja, Man Mohan Krishna. Vision and Form in the Drama of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Leicester, pp. 280. (PhD)
- Lomax, Annie Fay. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: A Reassessment. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 63. (MA)
- Mason, Judith Barbara. The Writings of Arthur Miller; A Creative Guilt. Diss. Queen’s University (Kingston, Ont.), pp. 209. (MA)
- Miller, Fredric William. Stream of Consciousness and the Drama. Diss. Western Illinois University, pp. 77. (MA) (Discusses Salesman and After the Fall)
- Ortmeyer, John. Arthur Miller: Optimistic Tragedy. Diss. University of Puget Sound, pp. 34. (BA)
- Parker, Ann Sadler. Tragedy in Arthur Miller in the Light of Greek and Shakespearean Tragedy. Diss. Texas A & I University, pp. 94. (MA)
- Stephens, Louanne Worley. From Guilt to Responsibility in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Tulane University of Louisiana, pp. 40. (MA)
- Tucker, Frances R. A Study of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible as Adapted Into Operatic Form. University of Cincinnati, pp. 98. (MA)
- West, Constance Catherine. The Use of Persuasion in Selected Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Minnesota. (PhD) (Salesman and Crucible)
- Wortham, Christopher John. Tragic Themes in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Rhodes University, pp. 127. (MA)
- Bell, John Royden. Arthur Miller: The Delicate Balance. Diss. Acadia University, pp. 134. (MA)
- Bradley, Carol A. Arthur Miller’s Use of Isben’s Retrospective Exposition. Diss. Ohio State University, pp. 76. (MA)
- Cattani, Larla G. Out of Tragedy, Humanism : J.B. and After the Fall; And, the Masque and its Role in Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi. Diss. Utah State University, pp. 19 and pp. 13. (Reports for MA)
- Dieb, Ronald Kenneth. Patterns of Sacrifice in the Plays of Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, and Edward Albee. Diss. University of Denver. (PhD) (Salesman, View, Crucible, and Vichy)
- Diehl, Digby. Three Studies in Modern Drama: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, After the Fall, and 8 1/2. Diss. University of California, Los Angeles. (MA)
- Epstein, Arthur David. Arthur Miller’s Major Plays: A Critical Study. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 206. (PhD) (covers seven plays)
- Flanagan, James K. Arthur Miller: A Study in Sources and Themes. Diss. University of Notre Dame, pp. 165. (PhD)
- Harden, Robert Lee. Moral Patterns in the Drama of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Washington, pp. 94 (MA)
- Heiss, Rolland L. The Search for Identity and Love in Arthur Miller’s Plays. Diss. Ball State University, pp. 92. (MA)
- Hudgins, Christopher Chapman. The Self-Conscious Hero in the Work of Arthur Miller. Diss. Emory University, pp. 39. (MA)
- Mayo, Lee C. Arthur Miller, Center Stage: A Study to Reveal the Parallel Between the Development of the Stagecraft of Arthur Miller and the Evolvement of the Modern Theater. Diss. Mississippi College, pp. 56. (MA)
- Noll, Evonne A. A Project in Stage Direction for the Production of Arthur Miller’s, All My Sons. Diss. San Diego State College, pp. 277 (w. illust). (MA)
- Priddy, Barbara H. The Fall of the Fortress: Thematic Progression in Arthur Miller’s Major Plays (1944-1968). University of Louisville, pp. 77. (MA)
- Reynolds, Howard L. Lighting Design for The Crucible. Diss. Smith College, pp. 27 (w. illust). (MFA)
- Adams, David. The Refusal of the Truth as a Destructive Element in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Colorado College. (MA)
- Ashley, Franklin Bascom. The Theme of Guilt and Responsibility in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of South Carolina. (PhD) (Sons to Price)
- Daley, M. Dolores. Genuine Tragedy Through the Blending of the Newer Elements of Modern Drama in Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Saint Mary’s University (Halifax, N.S.). (MA)
- Hamilton, William. After the Fall: Arthur Miller’s Public Play. Diss. University of Maine, pp. 107. (MA)
- Harrow, Kenneth J. The Transformation of the Rebel: A Comparative Study of the Works and Development of Albert Camus, Arthur Miller, and Ignazio Silone. Diss. Diss. New York University. (PhD) (Sons, Salesman and After)
- Holmes, Carleton Rodney. Arthur Miller’s After the Fall: Reflecting Sartre’s “the Problem of the Other.” Hunter College, pp. 101. (MA)
- Johnson, Richard C. A Production Prospectus of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. Austin College, pp. 137. (MA)
- Krugman, Jennifer Sue. Poetic Elements in Modern American Drama : Eugene O’Neill, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 126. (MA)
- Manske, Dwain Edgar. A Study of the Changing Family Roles in the Early Published and Unpublished Works of Arthur Miller, to Which is Appended a Catalogue of the Arthur Miller Collection at the University of Texas at Austin. Diss. University of Texas at Austin. Humanities Research Center, pp. 390. (PhD) (includes No Villain)
- Payne, Linda Ann. A Study of the Major Female Characters in the Works of Mark Twain; And, A Study of the Family Environments in Five Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Texas at Austin, pp. 76. (MA)
- Rössle, Wolfgang. Die Soziale Wirklichkeit in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, The Social Reality in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Freiburg/Schweiz Universitätsverl, Switzerland. (German)
- Saperstein, Saundra Winette. An Evaluation of the Problems Involved in Playing the Thesis Roles. Diss. University of Utah, pp. 43 (w. illust.). (MFA) (one of those roles was a Miller character)
- Scanlan, Tom. The American Family and Family Dilemmas in American Drama. Diss. University of Minnesota, pp. 203. (PhD) (Miller, O’Neill and Williams)
- Schneider, Dennis LeRoy. An Analysis and Production of Arthur Miller’s Adaptation of An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen. Diss. Oklahoma State University, pp. 166. (MS)
- Tauscher, Gisela. Der Tod des Handlungsreisenden von Arthur Miller: Identifikationen und Andere Abwehrmechanismen in der Vater-Sohn-Beziehung (Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller: Identification and Other Defense Mechanisms in the Father-Son Relationship. Diss. University of Education Weingarten, Germany. (German)
- Thomas, David O. The Development of the Biff Figure in Five Unpublished Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. Southern Illinois University, pp. 73. (MA)
- West, Robert E. The Crucible: A Production Study at Abilene Christian College. Diss. Abilene Christian College, pp. 366 (w. illust.). (MA)
- Adler, Bernard Jacob. A Production of Arthur Miller’s After the Fall. Diss. Boston University, pp. 204. (MA)
- Blades, Larry Thomas. Williams, Miller and Albee: A Comparative Study. Diss. Saint Louis University, pp. 253. (PhD) (Salesman, Misfits, After, Price and View)
- Clark, Judith Hersh. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the Artist in Two Worlds. Diss. Sonoma State College, pp. 95. (MA)
- Higgins, David M. Existential Valuation in Five Contemporary Plays: Miller, Pinter, Beckett, Albee, and Genet. Diss. Bowling Green University. (PhD)
- Johnson, Vernon E. An Abstract of Dramatic Influences in the Development of Arthur Miller’s Concept of Social Tragedy. Diss. George Peabody College for Teachers, pp. 204. (PhD)
- Lavi, Gay Heit. Children of Civilization Fall Together: A Study of Style and Language in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Univ. of Pittsburgh. (PhD) (Salesman and After)
- Leopold, Vivian Ruth. Man and Society in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. New York University, pp. 225. (PhD)
- Svejda, John F. A Director’s Prompt Book for Arthur Miller’s Play, The Crucible. Diss. Mankato State College, pp. 217. (MA)
- Williams, Richard Arthur. A Cup Where the Spirit May Reside: A Study of the Religious Values Found in the Dramas of Arthur Miller. Diss. Butler University, pp. 50. (MA)
- Bettenhausen, Elizabeth Ann. Forgiving the Idiot in the House: Existential Anxiety in Plays by Arthur Miller and Its Implications for Christian Ethics. Diss. University of Iowa, pp. 263. (PhD) (Sons, Salesamn, After, Vichy and Price)
- Bruckmeier, Jane Hogue. Attention Must Be Paid : Arthur Miller and His Critics. Diss. Samford University, pp. 178. (MA)
- Dawe, Bruce. Individual, Family and Society in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of New England, pp. 167. (MLitt)
- Fleming, William P. Tragedy in American Drama: The Tragic Views of Eugene O’Neill, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, and Edward Albee. Diss. University of Toledo, pp. 287. (PhD)
- Hare, Niki Savva. Tragedy, Ancient and Modern: A Comparative Study of Ajax and Death of a Salesman. Diss. Dalhousie University, pp. 145. (MA)
- Kaminetzky, Aviva. Guilt, Trial, and Punishment in Arthur Miller’s Major Plays. Diss. City College of New York, pp. 40. (MA)
- Longino, Tera Minerva. The Search for Identity As It Is portrayed Through Arthur Miller’s Dramatic Protagonists. Diss. Sam Houston State University, pp. 108. (MA)
- Matheny, Fredrick Ross. The American Everyman: A Study of the Athlete in Rabbit, Run, The Great Gatsby, and Death of a Salesman. Diss. Western State College of Colorado, pp. 89. (MA)
- McMahon, Helen Marie. Arthur Miller’s “Common Man”: The Problem of the Realistic and the Mythic. Diss. Purdue Univ. (PhD)
- Monaghan, Joseph. Arthur Miller’s Shifting Image of Man. Diss. Seton Hall University. (MA)
- Severinghaus, Lucia Liu. The Family in Four American Plays : O’Neill, Miller, Hansberry and Odets. Diss. Cornell University, pp. 133. (MA) (Salesman)
- Speer, Marcia Sue. Husband-Wife Relationships in Arthur Miller’s Plays. Diss. Iowa State University, pp. 84. (MA)
- Stephens, Suzanne Schaddelee. The Dual Influence: A Dramaturgical Study of the Plays of Edward Albee and the Specific Dramatic Forms and Themes Which Influence Them. Diss. Miami University. (PhD)
- Tiffany, Ralph William. The Analysis and Direction of Two One Act Plays: The Price and I Can’t Imagine Tomorrow. (sic) [Imagine is by Williams]. Diss. University of Utah, pp. 51. (MA)
- Welch, Charles Arnold. Guilt in Selected Plays of Arthur Miller: A Phenomenological Inquiry and Creative Response. Diss. United States International University, San Diego, pp. 405. (PhD) (Crucible, After, and Vichy)
- Davenport, Jane Rush. Suicide in Arthur Miller’s Plays. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 64. (MA)
- Dennis, Paul Robert. American Myth in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Drew University, pp. 120. (MA)
- Lutterbie, John Harry. A Production and Production Book of Arthur Miller’s After the Fall. Diss. University of Texas at Austin, pp. 256 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- McNamara, John J. A Comparison of Three Contemporary Protagonists and the Concept of the Tragic Hero. Diss. California State University, Fullerton, pp. 41. (MA) (Salesman, St. Joan and Juno and the Paycock)
- Parsons, Sue. Work and the Family: Themes in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Western Kentucky University, pp. 103. (MA)
- Sawicki, John Robert Thomas. American Dream in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons and Death of a Salesman and Their Film Adaptations. Diss. George Washington University, pp. 108. (MA)
- Slavensky, Sonia Wandruff. Suicide in the Plays of Arthur Miller: A View from Glory Mountain. Diss. Loyola University of Chicago, pp. 250. (PhD) (covers ten works)
- Swanson, Alan M. Death of a Salesman in Swedish: An Essay in the Theory of Stage Translation. Diss. University of Chicago, pp. 200. (PhD)
- Zurcher, Carl Donald. An Analysis of Selected American Criticism of the Plays of Arthur Miller in the Light of His Own Commentary On Drama. Diss. Purdue University, pp. 545. (PhD) (Man Who Had through to Price)
- Zingale, Frank. Directing Arthur Miller’s The Price in Huntington, Long Island: A Production Book. Diss. Hunter College. (MA)
- Anca, Vasiliu. Is Tragedy Possible in the Twentieth Century? Tel Aviv University, Israel, pp. 75. (MA)
- Freijo, Gloria. Arthur Miller, the Social Critic and the Quest for Responsibility. Diss. University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. (BA)
- Gutiérrez, María Nieves Pardo (and Esteban Pujals Fontrodona). La Tragedia en el Teatro Norteamericano Contemporáneo: Eugene O’Neill, Arthur Miller y Edward Albee. Diss. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. (Spanish)
- Jacobson, Irving Frederic. The Fallen Family: A Study in the Work of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 169. (PhD)
- Magakis, George. Greek Tragedies without Gods: A Psychological Analysis of Character Interaction in Three Modern Plays. Diss. University of Massachusetts, pp. 113. (PhD) (Salesman, Long Day’s and Who’s Afraid)
- O’Neill, John. The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance as Contained in Selected Characters Created by Arthur Miller. Diss. Southwest Texas State University, pp. 129.
- Roderick, John Machado, III. Arthur Miller and American Mythology: The Dream as Life-Force in Twentieth Century American Drama. Diss. Brown University, pp. 272. (PhD) (covers Sons, Salesman, Crucible, View, After the Fall, Price, and Creation)
- Solomon, Carol Westreich. Arthur Miller’s Women: Patterns in Commitment and Betrayal. Diss. University of Maryland, College Park, pp. 120. (MA)
- Strydom, Aspects of Dramatic Tragedy: A Comparative Essay Based Upon Aristotle’s Poetics, John Dryden’s An Essay of Dramatick Poesy, and Arthur Miller’s “Tragedy and the Common Man.” Diss. California State University, Northridge, pp. 63. (MA)
- Thippavajjala, Dutta R. The Heroes of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Kansas, pp. 118. (PhD) (Sons through Price and unpublished materials)
- Weber, Hans. Untersuchungen zur Funktionalität der Darstellungsmittel in Arthur Miller’s Dramen A View from the Bridge und The Price (Investigations on the functionality of the means of presentation in Arthur Miller’s Plays A View from the Bridge and The Price). Diss. Saarbrücken University, Germany, pp. 326. (German)
- Chamberlain, Anita Raquel. Development of the Theme of Responsibility in the Major Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Universidad de Puerto Rico, pp. 103. (MA)
- Chen, Hwei-mei. A Study of Characters in Arthur Miller’s Three Major Plays. Diss. Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, Taiwan, pp. 193. (MA)
- Chetti, Margaret Mackenzie. Displaced Eden: The Family as Sanctuary in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 54. (MA)
- Cummings, Dorothy Stacey. Major Themes in the Plays of Antonio Buero Vallejo and Arthur Miller: A Comparative Study. Diss. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, pp. 225. (PhD)
- Edens, Emily Sanders. An Analysis of Modern Tragedy Based on Three Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 83. (MA)
- Feldman, Jack. The Plays of Arthur Miller: Theory and Practice. Diss. University of Wisconsin—Madison, pp. 271. (PhD)
- Gray, Susan Marnetta. Diss. Adelphi University, pp. 126. (MA) (Crucible, East of Eden, Antigone)
- Jones, Evelyn Broadaway. Arthur Miller: Morality Themes in Selected Plays. Diss. Mississippi College, pp. 64. (MA)
- Koep, Jeffrey P. A Production Study of Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. Diss. Bowling Green State University, pp. 85. (MA)
- Lucas, Lorraine. The Characterization of Women in the Plays of Arthur Miller, Eugene O’Neill and Tennessee Williams. Diss. University of Guelph, pp. 103. (MA)
- Mahoney, Judith Douglas. Arthur Miller: The Responsibility Theme in Selected Plays. Diss. North Carolina State University, pp. 39. (MA)
- Paniagua, Antonio, (and Javier Coy). Appearance and Reality: Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. Diss. Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. (BA)
- Schreiner, Karen J. The Crucible: A Director’s Analysis. Diss. Linfield College, pp. 294 (w. illus.). (BA)
- Spear, Danny D. An Analysis of Audience Reaction to the Interracial Casting of Death of a Salesman. Diss. Southwest Texas State University, pp. 43.
- Thielemann, Annemarie. Arthur Miller’s Gesellschaftskritik: Dargestellt am Beispiel von Death of a Salesman (Arhur Miller’s Social Criticism: Represented by the Example of Death of a Salesman). Diss. University of Education Weingarten, Germany. (German)
- Thompson, Johnn Lee. Self-Realization in the Major Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Nebraska—Lincoln, pp. 199. (PhD) (Sons through Price)
- Wonzong, Randy Lee. A Structural Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Major Plays. Diss. Northwestern University. (PhD) (Sons through Vichy)
- Bell, Louis P. A Production Analysis of Arthur Miller’s The Price. Diss. University at Greensboro, pp. 190 (w. illust.). (MFA)
- Boone, Garry L. A View from the Bridge: A Production Record and Evaluation of the Arthur Miller Play. Miami University, pp. 260. (MA)
- Buckley, Robert Brian. Fathers and Sons in the Plays of Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller. Diss. Queens College, pp. 73.
- Carns, Elizabeth Lindsay. A Creative Project Illustrating the Procedure Applied to the Creation of the Role of Beatrice in A View from the Bridge. Diss. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, pp. 138. (MA)
- Clanton, Bonnie. A Comparative Study of Three American Witchcraft Plays. Diss. Southwest Texas State University, pp. 70. (Crucible, James Nelson Barker’s Superstition, and Percy MacKaye’s Scarecrow).
- Kravanja, Sonja. Arthur Miller and Pojem Tragičnga (Arthur Miller and The Concept of Tragedy). Diss. University of Ljubljani, Filozofska, Slovenia. (Slovenian)
- Lenton, Gerald Bartley Bruce. Creating the Role of Reverend John Hale in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 83 (w. illus.). (MA)
- McKay, Charles Eugene. The Themes of Awareness, Self-Knowledge, and Love in Arthur Miller’s Major Dramatic Works. Diss. University of Mississippi, pp. 214. (PhD) (Sons through Creation)
- McMillion, Thalia J. Social Purpose in Four Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. Bowling Green State University, pp. 149. (MA)
- Rue, Carroll W. Creation of the Role of John Proctor in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 68 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Smith, Michele. Costume Design and Execution For a Production of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 181 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Bridwell, Sharon A. Guilt in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, The Crucible and After the Fall. Diss. Pacific Lutheran University, pp. 90. (MA)
- Eiselstein, Mary Sue. Role-Playing and Identity: A Study in the Works of Arthur Miller. Diss. Middle Tennessee State University, pp. 125. (MA)
- Gold, Ronald Lester. A Comparative Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman by Means of Sramatic Criticism and the Sereno and Bodaken Trans-Per Model. Diss. University of Southern California, pp. 294 (w. illus.). (PhD)
- Groski, Leonard Dennis. A Course of Study Inquiring into the Nature of Dramatic Tragedy. Diss. Carnegie-Mellon University. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Hastings, Robert M. The Common-Man Theme in the Plays of Miller and Wilder. Diss. North Texas State University, pp. 93. (MA)
- Jablonski, Carl Lee. A Scenic Design of Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. Diss. California State University, Fullerton, pp. 33 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Nolan, Augustine J. A Study of the Relationship Between American Public Opinion and Selected Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Fairfield University, pp. 83. (MA)
- Pahnichaputt, M. L. Ananchanok. The Image of Home in Five American Literary Works. Diss. University of Denver. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Siewerth, Bruce Karl. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Masterpiece or Museum Piece? Northeastern Illinois University, pp. 188 (w. illus.). (MA) (Based on production at Evanston Township High School)
- Barron, Elizabeth Anne. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: A Production Thesis. Diss. University of Louisville, pp. 90. (MA)
- Castro, Donald Frank. A Phenomenological Approach to the Concept of Genre. Diss. Washington State University. (PhD) (After)
- Charney, Mark Jay. A Thrice Told Tale : A Study of Arthur Miller’s The Misfits In Its Short Story, Cine-Novel and Film Forms. Diss. University of New Orleans, pp. 88. (MA)
- de García, Ana Lúcia Almeida Gazolla. Tragedy and Value: A Study of Dias Gomes’ O Pagador de Promessas and O Santo Inquerity and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 179. (PhD)
- Feldman, Robert Lee. Tragedy and the Common Man: Existential Analysis and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Maryland, pp. 116. (MA)
- Gray, Cecilia D. Achievement as a Family Theme in Drama. Diss. Oregon State University, pp. 207. (PhD) (Salesman and Long Day’s)
- Gulrajani, Lily R. The Family in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. McGill University. (MA)
- Guy, LeAnn Frances. Teaching Arthur Miller in the High School. Diss. University of Kansas, pp. 71. (MA)
- Hagy, Boyd Frederick. A Study of the Changing Patterns of Melodrama as They Contributed to American Playwriting From 1920-1950. Diss. Catholic University of America. (PhD) (Sons)
- Hawthorne, Robert J. Readings in Contemporary Theology for the Needs of Persons. Diss. San Francisco Theological Seminary, pp. 175. (After the Fall)
- Kolb, Christine. A Chronicle of Performance: Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. California State University, Fullerton, pp. 66. (MA)
- Kristof, Nora. A Memory of Two Mondays: Analysis and Understanding. Diss. Art Institute, pp. 116. (MFA)
- Marold, Richard L. The Price by Arthur Miller and Kristin Lavransdatter by Singrid Undset: A Comparative Study of the Adult Child/Parent Relationship. Diss. Penn State, pp. 51. (MA)
- Naveh, Edith Brown. Dramaturgical Problems in Plays with the Theme of the Nazi Holocaust. Diss. University of Pittsburgh, pp. 275. (PhD) (Incident)
- Regenbaum, Shelly. The Sacrifice of Isaac (the Akedah) and Related Archetypes in Selected Works of Henrik Ibsen, Samuel Butler, Arthur Miller, Eugene O’Neill and William Faulkner. Diss. Bar-Ilan University, Israel, pp. 273. (MA)
- Ryzuk, Mary. Directing Arthur Miller’s Death Of a Salesman. Diss. Hunter College. (MA)
- Shi, Qiuyue. The Tragic Vision in Oedipus Rex and Death of a Salesman. Diss. National Taiwan University, pp. 150. (MA)
- Snyder, Joel Judah. Willy Loman – His Choice: A Study of the Character in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Maryland, pp. 311 (w. illus.) (MA)
- Bohn, Inken. The Miller/Kazan Debate. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 67. (MA)
- Blumensadt, Norman Edmund. A Production and Production Book of Arthur Miller’s The Creation of the World and Other Business. Diss. University of Texas at Austin, pp. 213 (w. illus). (MFA)
- Celada, Antonio R. (and Javier Coy). El Hombre Como Víctima en la Producción Dramática de Arthur Miller (The Man As Victim in the Dramatic Productions of Arthur Miller). Tesis-Universidad de Salamanca, pp73. (Spanish)
- Iuzzolino, Joseph F. Eddie Carbone: Creating A Role. Diss. Tulane University, pp. 16. (BFA)
- McGlinn, Jeanne Blain. The Bible in Modern American Drama. Diss. University of Kansas. (PhD) (Creation)
- Talbert, Linda Lee. Witchcraft in Contemporary Feminist Literature. Diss. University of Southern California. (PhD) (Crucible)
- Castee, DeAnne T. Arthur Miller’s T̲h̲e̲ C̲r̲u̲c̲i̲b̲l̲e̲: A Production Thesis. Diss. Bloomsburg State College, pp. 155. (M.Ed)
- Greenfield, Thomas Allen. Standing Before Kings: Work and the Work Ethic in American Drama, 1920-1970. Diss. University of Minnesota. (PhD)
- Lewis, Thomas E. An Application of Play Analyzing Techniques of Francis Hodge to the Production of The Price by Arthur Miller. Diss. Wake Forest University, pp. 175. (MA)
- Oertling, John Trorlicht. An Analysis and Production Book for Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. Diss. Tulane University, pp. 127. (MFA)
- Sippl, Diana Marie. The Family in American Drama. Diss. University of California, Irving. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Swenson-Davis, Anna Marcia. From Sex Queen to Cultural Symbol: An Interpretation of Marilyn Monroe. Diss. University of Michigan. (PhD) (Miller’s works concerning her are discussed)
- Todras, Arthur. The Liberal Paradox: Clifford Odets, Elia Kazan, and Arthur Miller. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 301. (PhD)
- Walker, Susan E. “Common Vengeance Writes the Law”: A Comparative Study of Puritanism and the Salem Witchcraft Accusations of 1692 and the Era of McCarthyism with Consideration for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. Mary Baldwin College, pp. 88.
- Centola, Steve. Freedom and Responsibility After the Fall: A Sartrean Perspective of Arthur Miller’s Existential Humanism. Diss. University of Rhode Island, pp. 211. (PhD) (After, Vichy and Price)
- Counts, Richard G. The Design of Scenery for a Stage Production of The Crucible. Diss. University of Connecticut, pp. 153 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Denby, Priscilla Lee. The Self Discovered: The Car in American Folklore and Literature. Diss. Indiana University. (PhD)
- Dutkiewicz, Debra A. The Design and Execution of the Costumes for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. University of Connecticut, pp. 123 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Karaba, Gregory. Death of a Salesman: A Creative Project in Technical Direction and Set Adaptation. Diss. University of Louisville, pp. 86 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Kelly, Kay Elizabeth. A Values-Centered Approach to the Teaching of Literature on the College Level. University of Georgia. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Menta, Edward. Production Record of The Crucible by A. Miller. Diss. University of Connecticut, pp. 363. (MFA)
- Sweet, Bruce. The Invisible Director: The Stage Direction of Harold Clurman as Witnessed by Actors, Stage Managers, Producers, Playwrights and Critics from Three Representative Productions. Diss. New York University. (PhD) (Vichy)
- Toussaint, Alexandra. The Theme of Guilt and Responsibility in Selected Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. California State University, Sacramento, pp. 92. (MA)
- Wood, Michael Gene. A Critical Analysis of Sibling Rivalry in Two Plays by Arthur Miller as Demonstrated in a Production of The Price. Diss. San Diego State University, pp. 291. (MA) (Salesman and Price)
- Woolworth, Norman. The Question of Modern Tragedy in Woyzeck, Endgame, and A View from the Bridge. Diss. Tulane University, pp. 76 (BA)
- Boone, Kathryn Lynn. The Influence of Arthur Miller’s Early Plays on Death of a Salesman. Diss. West Virginia University, pp. 117. (MA)
- Lindholm, Karl Lambert. Anticlimax: The Sporting Hero in Modern American Literature. Diss. Case Western Reserve University. (PhD)
- Mahmoud, Mohamed Abdel Wahab. The Significance of the Role of Language in Two of Arthur Miller’s Plays: Death of a Salesman and All My Sons. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 44. (MA)
- Moore, Stanley Layman. The Setting and Lighting Design for Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Mississippi, pp. 120 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Parmelee, John W. Procedures for Technical Analysis and Production Control as Demonstrated in The Crucible. Diss. University of Connecticut, pp. 241 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Režun, Milena. Arthur Miller na Slovenskem (Arthur Miller in Slovenia). Diss. University of Ljubljani. (BA) (Slovenian)
- Sobrinho, Miguel João. O Teatro Consciente de Arthur Miller e Jorge Andrade (The Conscious Theater of Arthur Miller and Jorge Andrade). Tulane University, pp. 221. (PhD) (Portuguese) (Salesman, View and Crucible)
- Wilcox, Robert Harland. The Poetry of Realistic Drama Diss. University of Wisconsin. (PhD) (Crucible)
- Ziegler, Ronald L. Director’s Manual and Prompt Book for Arthur Miller’s, The Price. Diss. University of South Dakota, pp. 271 (w. illus.).
- Baer, Lee Anne. Clifford Odets, Dashiell Hammett, and Arthur Miller and the Writer’s Role in Society. Diss. University of North Carolina, pp. 96 (BA Honors)
- Dyer, James J. An Instructor’s Handbook to Six Major Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, pp. 311. (PhD) (Sons, Salesman, Crucible, View, After the Fall and Price)
- Lauritsen, Kevin M. Performing the Role of Biff Loman in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Florida, pp. 149. (MFA)
- Lewis, Jonathan Roy. The Comedy Films of Jerry Lewis and Marilyn Monroe: A Narratological Study and an Introduction to the Social/Ideological Project. Diss. University of California, Los Angeles. (PhD) (Misfits)
- Schroeder, Patricia Richards. The Presence of the Past in Modern American Drama. Diss. University of Virginia. (PhD) (Miller, Wilder, O’Neill and Williams)
- Briskin, Alan Mark. Institutionalization of the Soul: Reflections on the Concepts of Management and Shadow (Authority, Autonomy). Diss. The Wright Institute. (PhD) (Salesman)
- d’Ouezzane, Ouafa Cherif. The Search for Identity in the Dramatic Works of Arthur Miller. Diss. Rabat. (MA)
- Lenzing, Katja. Die Lebenslüge in Arthur Miller’s Erfolgsdramen (The Life-Lies in Arthur Miller’s Success Dramas). Diss. University of Hamburg, Germany. (German)
- Ma, Li. Teaching English Through Drama to Chinese Students: A Combination of Teaching Literature and Developing Language Skills. Diss. University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 74. (MA) (Salesman)
- Manrique, Patricia Méndez. Las Brujas de Salem: Una Tragedia Contemporanea (The Witches of Salem: A Contemporary Tragedy. Diss. Universidad de los Andes, pp. 233. (PhD) (Spanish)
- McGraw, Martha Gail. Tragedy Viewed from a Kohlberg Stage. Diss. North Texas State University, pp. 119. (MA) (Macbeth, Antigone, and Salesman)
- Neiheiser, Thomas Neil. Heroes and Fools: Characterizations in Holocaust Drama. Diss. University of Utah. (PhD) (Incident)
- Wheeler, Sharon Lee. Costume Design for The Crucible. Diss. University of Virginia, pp. 18 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Wilde, Gudrun. American Dream und Erfolgsstreben im Werk von Arthur Miller (American Dream and Striving for Success in the Work of Arthur Miller). Diss. University of Hamburg, Germany. (German)
- Dallez, Gérard. Pères et Fils dans The Man Who Had All the Luck, All My Sons, Death of a Salesman d’Arthur Miller: Espace et Génèse d’une Parente. (Fathers and Sons in The Man Who Had All the Luck, All My Sons, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller: Space and Genesis of a Kinship). Diss. Paris VII, Universit́e, France, pp. 238. (PhD)
- Feldman, Robert Lee. The Problem of Evil in Five Plays by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Maryland, pp. 134. (PhD.) (Enemy, Fall, Crucible and Incident)
- Mahmoud, Mohamed A. W. A Stylistic, Sociolinguistic, and Discourse Analysis of Linguistic Naturalism in Selected Plays of Arthur Miller and Eugene O’Neill. Diss. University of Delaware, pp. 208. (PhD)
- Rasmussen, Samfund, Familie og Individ i 3 Skuespil af Arthur Miller: All My Sons, Death of a Salesman og The American Clock (Society, Family and Individual in Three Plays of…). Diss. Odense Universitet, Denmark, pp. 123. (Danish)
- Santoso, Yusuf. Willy Loman dalam Death of a Salesman: Suatu Kajian Tentang Aspek Kehidupan Manusia biasa Amerika Serikat (Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman: A Study About the Ordinary Human Life Aspect of the United States). Diss. Universitas Indonesia. (PhD) (Indonesian)
- Vineberg, Steve Edward. Method in Performance: Fifty Years of American Method Acting. Diss. Stanford University. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Elkins, Victor Lyons. The Role of Biff Loman in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: A Production Thesis in Acting. Diss. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, pp. 92 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Kihn, Patricia Lenehan. Kenneth Tynan and the Renaissance of Post-War British Drama. Diss. Wayne State University. (PhD)
- Long, Deborah Marie. The Existential Quest: Family and Form in Selected American Plays. Diss. University of Oregon, pp. 251 (PhD) (Salesman)
- Ngwang, Emmanuel Njegani. Survival and Personal Identity in Arthur Miller’s Major Plays. Diss. Oklahoma State University, pp. 236. (PhD) (also Focus, and essays)
- Sabinson, Eric Mitchell. Script and Transcript: The Writings of Clifford Odets, Lillian Hellman and Arthur Miller in Relation to Their Testimony Before the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities. Diss. State University of New York at Buffalo, pp. 429. (PhD)
- Bassler, Elissa J. The Theme of Universal Responsibility: Arthur Miller’s The Crucible as Precursor to After the Fall. Diss. DePaul University, pp. 91. (MFA)
- Bavaria, Richard Ernest. A Value Analysis of Four Fathers from Secondary School Literature: Pap, Atticus, Willy, and Walte Diss. University of Maryland at College Park. (PhD)
- Bond, Patricia Allison. Arthur Miller’s All My Sons: The Elements of Production. Diss. University of Southern Mississippi, pp. 29. (BA)
- Cady, Pamela M. Acting Analysis of Character Development in Plays by Noel Coward, Allan Miller, Arthur Miller, Harold Pinter, William Shakespeare, Neil Simon, and William Wycherly, and Songs by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse and Walter Marks. Diss. California State University, Long Beach, pp. 25 (and Video). (MA)
- Cicariello, Anthony S. After the Holocaust. Diss. Harvard University, pp. 72. (MA)
- Miles, Rosella. The Immigrant as Outsider: Immigrant Experience in the Plays of Arthur Miller and Clifford Odets. Diss. Polytechnic of North London. (MA)
- Thompson, Anna Kathryn. Arthur Miller: The Individual and Society. Diss. College of William and Mary, VA, pp. 43. (MA)
- Wonzong, Randy Lee. A Structural Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Major Plays. Diss. Northwestern University. (PhD)
- Austin, Gayle. Feminist Theory and Postwar American Drama. Diss. City University of New York. (PhD)
- Brooks, Joan. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Wisconsin—Madison, pp. 316. (MFA)
- Freytag, Betsy Ann. The Tip of the Iceberg. Diss. DePaul University, pp. 117. (MFA) (Miller; Paul Zindel; George S Kaufman; Edna Ferber)
- Kruppa, Stefan. Miller, Arthur: Zeitkurven – Ein Leben (Timebends: A Life). Diss. Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany (PhD) (German)
- Langteau, Paula T. The Absurdity of Miller’s Salesman: Examining Martin Esslin’s Concept of the Absurd as Presented in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Ball State University, pp. 50. (MA)
- Proehl, Geoffrey Scott. Coming Home Again: American Family Drama and the Figure of the Prodigal (O’Neill, Miller, Williams). Stanford University. (PhD)
- Roderick, John Machado. Arthur Miller and American Mythology the Dream as Life-Force in Twentieth-Century American Drama. Diss. Brown Univ, pp. 278. (PhD)
- Shaffer, E. Scott. A Record of the Design and Execution of Scenery for An Enemy of the People. Diss. California State University, Long Beach, pp. 40 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Schwarzmann, Lion Feuchtwanger’s Wahn, oder, Der Teufel in Boston und Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Ein Literarischer Vergleich (Lion Feuchtwanger’s Delusion, or, The Devil in Boston und Arthur Miller’s The Crucible : A Literary Comparison). Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 102. (MA)
- Trost, Scott Tillma. Cheever, Jed, Pishtchik, An Actor’s Journal. Diss. DePaul University, pp. 99. (MFA)
- Vielweber, Stefanie. Die literarische Verarbeitung der Beziehung zwischen Arthur Miller und: Anhand von Ausgewählten Werken (A Literary Analysis of the Relationship Between Arthur Miller and: Based on Selected Works) (sic). Diss. University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 55. (German)
- Wächter, Martina. Darstellung und Deutung der Vergangenheit in den Dramen Arthur Millers (Representation and Interpretation of the Past in the Dramas of Arthur Miller). Diss. University of Freiburg (Breisgau), Germany, pp. 311. (PhD) (German)
- Boyer, Jeanette. Dysfunctional Families in American Drama: The Work of O’Neill, Williams, Miller, Albee, and Shepard. Diss. University of New Mexico, pp. 66. (MA)
- Chow, Christina Mei Yong. Epistemological Purgatory: The Drama of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Essex, pp. 244. (MPhil)
- Doherty, Lynn. The Art of Producing: The Life and Work of Kermit Bloomgarden. Diss. City Universty of New York. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Heidt, Edward R. Narrative Voice in Autobiographical Writing. Diss. University of Southern California. (PhD)
- Horner, Carl Stuart. The Boy Inside the American Businessman: Corporate Darwinism in Twentieth Century American Literature (Salinger, Vonnegut, Miller, Heller, Updike). Diss. Florida State University. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Lindblom, Ronald Allan. Acting Analysis of the Character Joe Keller, in Arthur Miller’s Play All My Sons. Diss. California State University, Long Beach, pp. 52 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Martinez-Vidal, Elena. Shame and Glory: An Approach to Acting. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 31. (MA) (William Mastrosimone; Wendy Wasserstein; Thornton Wilder; Arthur Miller)
- Tuttle, Jon Wilson. Arthur Miller’s Revision of America. Diss. University of New Mexico, pp. 226. (PhD)
- Tyson, Lois Marie. The Commodification of the American Dream: Capitalist Subjectivity in American Literature. Diss. Ohio State University, pp. 246. (PhD) (Edith Wharton’s House of Mirth (1905), F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (1925), Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman (1949), and Joseph Heller’s Something Happened (1974))
- Wendt, Gudrun. Die Darstellung der Wirklichkeitsflucht bei Antonio Buero Vallejo und Arthur Miller (The Representation of the Causes of Reality in Antonio Buero Vallejo and Arthur Miller). Diss. University of Hamburg, Germany, pp. 204. (PhD) (German)
- Ziuo, Dorothy. The Tragic Essence of the Protagonists in Arthur Miller’s Death of Salesman, The Crucible, and A View from the Bridge. Providence University, Taiwan, pp. 136. (MA)
- Dormady, Patricia Ann. After the Fall: Directorial Analysis and Production. Diss. Rollins College, pp. 110 (w. illus.). (BA Honors)
- Holt, Gregory Charles. A Production and Production Book of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. Diss. Baylor University, pp. 318 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Moody, Charles Christopher. The 1951 Filmed Version of Death of a Salesman: A Study of the Thematic Development of the Film as a Result of the Adaptation of the Play. Diss. Auburn University at Montgomery, pp. 75. (MA)
- Nabors, Judith Branch. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: An Advanced Placement English Teaching Unit. Diss. Mississippi College, pp. 63.
- Wang, Qun. On the Dramatization of the Illusory World in Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller and Edward Albee’s Major Plays. Diss. University of Oregon, pp. 217. (PhD)
- Antoniadis, Maria V. Tragedy and the Family: Existentialism and Family Therapy. Diss. The Wright Institute. (PhD) (Miller, Williams and Shakespeare)
- Balakian, Janet Nafena. The Evolution of Arthur Miller’s Dramaturgy 1944 to the Present. Diss. Cornell University, pp. 504. (PhD)
- Bennett, L. Patty. Scenery Design for The American Clock. Diss. Temple University, pp. 54 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Boulinguez, Anne-Charlotte. Kazan and Miller During McCarthyism: Shot and Countershot. Diss. Mémoire de Maitrise : Lettres, pp. 85.
- Bruno, Bryan. The “Madonna-Whore” Figure in the Dramatic Works of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Diss. Tulane University, pp. 125. (BA)
- Cline, Gretchen Sarah. The Psychodrama of the “Dysfunctional” Family: Desire, Subjectivity, and Regression in Twentieth-Century American Drama. Diss. Ohio State University, pp. 305. (PhD) (A Long Day’s Journey, Salesman, Streetcar Named Desire, and Marsha Norman’s Getting Out)
- Corbett, Timothy Michael. The Element of Tragedy in the Stage Dramas of Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Waterloo, Canada. (MA)
- Derochi, Jack. Arthur Miller’s Call for Responsibility. Lenoir-Rhyne College, NC, pp. 58. (BA Honors)
- Erickson, Steven C. The Drama of Dispossession in Selected Plays of Six Major American Playwrights. Diss. University of Texas at Dallas, pp. 207. (PhD) [Albee; Mamet; Miller (Salesman); O’Neill; Shepard; Williams]
- Gruber, Larry M. “History of a Somnambulist Endowed with a Double Existence, Both Intellectual and Moral” and The Crucible: Scenic Designs. Diss. Rutgers University, pp. 31 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Hicks, Shannon Lynn. The Struggle for Moral Order: Lillian Hellman and Arthur Miller. Diss. Butler University, pp. 40. (BA Honors)
- Hildreth, Thomas Whistler. My Acting Thesis. Diss. Rutger’s University, pp. 17 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Lewis, Kimberly. The Search for Personal Dignity in Three Modern American Dramas. Florida State University, pp. 107. (MA) (Salesman, Glass Menagerie, Raisin in the Sun)
- McGurn, Robert William. Directing A View from the Bridge. Diss. University of Virginia, pp. 144 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Mendelowitz, Kade. Lighting Design for The American Clock. Diss. Temple University, pp. 141 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Pell, Stephanie Kaye. A Feminist Myth-Archetypal Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Play The Crucible. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 74. (BA Honors)
- Redfield, Catherin Erin. The Fallen. Diss. University of Southwestern Louisiana. (PhD) (original stories inspired by “Tragedy and the Common Man”)
- Schmidt, Schuld und Mitschuld in den Erfolgsdramen Arthur Millers (Guilt and Complicity in Success in Arthur Miller). Diss. University of Hamburg, Germany, pp. 80. (MA) (German)
- Shalaby, Nadia A. Assertion of Power: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Death of a Salesman, The Caretaker, and Look Back in Anger. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 338. (PhD)
- Stafford, Richard Dobson. Play Ownership and the Struggle for Creative Control in Theatrical Production. Diss. Texas Technical University. (PhD)
- Welch, Douglas Murray. Scenery and Lighting Design for Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. Diss. University of British Columbia, pp. 36 (w illus). (MFA)
- Basi, Carol Lynn Papadopoli. An Arthur Miller Bibliography with a Focus on the Sixties and with an Introduction Seeking to Establish Miller’s Present Critical Stature. Diss. University of Louisville, pp. 80. (MA)
- Bergeron, Jill Stapleton. Codependency Issues in Selected Contemporary American Plays. Diss. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Billah, Quazi Mostain. Arthur Miller: Theatre of Moral Quest. Diss. University of Texas at Dallas, pp. 108. (MA)
- Bodycomb, Linda. Mask Making Methods and Materials: The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Diss. Rutgers University, pp. 95 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Cook, Kimberly K. “These Goddamned Women Have Injured Me”: The Child-Narcissist in Arthur Miller’s American Men. Diss. University of Pennsylvania, pp. 120. (MA)
- Davis, Realm of the Salesman: The Dramatic Influence of Arthur Miller. Diss. Mississippi College, pp. 41. (BA Honors)
- Desafy-Grignard, Christiane. Les Personnages Féminins: dans le Théâtre et l’Oeuvre Narrative d’Arthur Miller (The Female Characters: In the Theater and the Narrative Work of Arthur Miller). Université de Lille, France, pp. 315. (PhD) (French) (women in plays and short stories)
- Fletcher, Anne. The Theory and Practice of Mordecai Gorelik: Emblem for the Changing American Theatre. Diss. Tufts University. (PhD) (Sons)
- Fox, Larry Phillip. A Comparative Analysis of Selected Dramatic Works and Their Twentieth Century Operatic Adaptations. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 139. (PhD) (Ward’s Crucible)
- Horton, Leslie Marella. The Conflict of Conscience in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and A View from the Bridge. Diss. University of South Carolina, pp. 37. (MA)
- Kallenberg-Schröder, Andrea. Autobiographisches in Arthur Millers Familienzentrierten Dramen (The Autobiographical in Arthur Miller’s Family-Centered Dramas). Innsbruck University, Austria, pp. 204. (PhD) (German)
- Myers, Mary Kay Zettl. Closure in the Twentieth-Century American Problem Play. Diss. University of Delaware. (PhD) (American Clock)
- Pell, Stephanie Kaye. A Feminist Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Play Playing for Time. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 88. (MA)
- Souther, Miller’s Marilyn and the Mythology of Monroe in American Popular Culture. Diss. Converse College, pp. 38. (BA Honors)
- Stummer, Andrea. Kafka’s Gregor Samsa and Miller’s Willy Loman: A Comparison. Diss. University of Notre Dame, pp. 50. (MA)
- Babcock, Granger. Rewriting the Masculine: The National Subject in Modern American Drama. Diss. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, pp. 256. (PhD) (Miller, O’Neill and Williams)
- Campo, Carlos A. The Role of Friendship in Arthur Miller: A Study of Friendship in his Major Dramatic and Non-Dramatic Writing. Diss. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (PhD) (Situation Normal . . . ,Focus, “I Don’t Need You Any More,” “Monte Sant’ Angelo,” “Fitter’s Night,” Sons, Salesman, After the Fall and Ride)
- Doyle, Margaret J. The Decline of the American Family as Viewed in Selected Plays by Arthur Miller. St. Francis College, pp. 21. (BA)
- Fallows, Randall Jonathan. Dramatic Realities: The Creation and Reception of American Political and Fictional Drama of the Late 1940s and Their Influence on Gender Role Construction. Diss. University of California, San Diego. (PhD) (Salesman, and HUAC transcripts)
- Gare, Bryan Edward. Chris Keller and Arthur Miller’s All My Sons: An Actor’s Analysis. Diss. University of Virginia, pp. 108 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Garnett, Edward Hal. The Trials of Creativity: A Rhetorical Analysis of A View from the Bridge and The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Diss. California State University, San Bernardino, pp. 87. (MA)
- Lavezza, Stephen Joseph. Playing Out the American Dream: Arthur Miller’s Dramatic Vision. Diss. University of Denver, pp. 74. (MA)
- Murphy, Karen Culbreth. The Problematics of the Family in Buero Vallejo’s El Tragaluz and Arthur Miller’s The Price. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 84. (MA)
- Rosefeldt, Paul Nagim. The Absent Father in Modern Drama. Diss. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. (PhD)
- Townsend, Patricia D. The Consequences of an Ambiguous Idealism: An Alternate View of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. Diss. West Chester University, pp. 48. (MA)
- Wicker, James William. Say It Ain’t So, Joe: A Portrayal of an American Tragic Hero in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. Diss. University of Virginia, pp. 86 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Zeineddine, I Search: Problems of Identity; Woman, Artist and Breadwinner in the Plays of Henrik Ibsen, Tennessee Williams, and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Leicester. (PhD)
- Cleary, Kathleen Colligan. Playing God in Live Theatre: The Politics of Representation. Diss. Ohio State University, pp. 217. (PhD) (Creation, Up from Paradise)
- Gross, Tillie B. Parallels in the Development of London’s Royal Court, New York’s Caffe Cino, and Cafe La Mama from 1955 to 1969. Diss. New York University, pp. 318. (PhD) (George Devine produced Miller with ESC)
- Hawk, Janet L. Heroes of Conscience: Identity and Ethics in Arthur Miller’s Work. Diss. Drew University, pp. 72. (MA)
- Hunter, Christopher Paul. A Scenic and Lighting Design for All My Sons. Diss. North Dakota State University, pp. 72 (w. illus). (MA)
- Isaacs, Julie A. From Miller to Mamet: The Business Ethic in American Drama. Diss. Montclair State College, pp. 110. (MA)
- Miller, Jennifer R. The Failing Success Ideal in Arthur Miller’s The American Clock, Death of a Salesman, and A Memory of Two Mondays. Diss. Millersville University of Pennsylvania, pp. 47. (BA Honors)
- Siconolfi, Mary Ellen. The Duck Not So Wild, But the Salesman Quite Dead; An Analysis of the Themes of Frustration, Claustrophobia, and Death in Selected Plays of Henrik Ibsen and Arthur Miller. Diss. Francis College, pp. 27. (BA)
- Wang, Ya-yin. The Shifting Images of Women in Arthur Miller’s Plays. Diss. Providence University, Taiwan, pp. 128. (MA)
- Baard, Ronald William. Beyond Illustration: A Method for Using Drama and Film in Pastoral Counseling. Diss. School of Theology at Claremont. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Barber, Jeffrey A. “’Nobody Dast Blame This Man”: An Exploration of Willy Loman’s Struggle for Male Identity in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Wright State University, pp. 85. (MA)
- Biggie, Allison. Looking in the Mirror: A Study of the Intersection Between the Public and Private Lives in Arthur Miller’s Broken Glass. Diss. Millersville University of Pennsylvania, pp. 31. (BA Honors)
- Blewett, Debra Ann. In the Grey Area: How a Playwright’s Identity Translates into Timeless Characters: A Comparison of Miller, Williams and Hansberry. Diss. Southwest Texas State University, pp. 77. (MA) (Salesman, Cat, Raisin),
- Chung, Li. Guilt and Atonement in The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter. Diss. Providence University, Taiwan, pp. 110. (MA)
- Held, Leslie Maureen. Three Plays by Miller: A Study of the Father-Son Relationship. Diss. Sonoma State University, pp. 113. (MA) (Sons, Salesman and Price)
- Hoff, Angelika. Inside—Outside: Externalization of the Protagonists’ Psychological States on Stage in Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones, Tennessee Williams’s A Streetcar Named Desire and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Southern Oregon State College, pp. 129. (MA)
- Horiguchi, Noriko J. A Japanese Reading of Arthur Miller’s Drama. Diss. Millersville University of Pennsylvania, pp. 91. (MA)
- Kane, Joseph. Arrested Development: The Search for a Father in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Wisconsin—Parkside, pp. 37. (BA)
- La Pietra, Katherine A. Reflections on “Miller Mystery” a Director’s Journey. Diss. Mankato State University, MN, pp. 109. (MFA) (“Clara” and “Elegy”)
- McElhennon, Theresa. The Search for Community in Arthur Miller’s Plays. Diss. Queens College, pp. 61. (MA)
- McInerney, Colleen A. Dying Salesmen, Seventeen Dolls, Paper Lanterns and Ham Funerals: Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams and Past World War II Australian Drama. Diss. University of Sydney, Australia pp. 114. (MA)
- Mulyanto (and C. Bakdi Soemanto). The Bad Impact of Public Conscience Toward Individual Moral Accountability, as it is Reflected in The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Diss. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, pp. 91. (Indonesian)
- Searcy, Sheila L. Witnessing for the Prosecution: Fanaticism vs. Democracy in The Crucible and Inherit the Wind. Diss. University of Scranton, pp. 63. (BA Honors)
- Balch, Jill Alison. The Creation of the Role of Catherine in A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Florida, pp. 32. (MFA)
- Burkett, Jody Lynee. Arthur Miller and the Critics. Diss. Millersville University of Pennsylvania, pp. 66. (BA Honors)
- Caruso, Christina Claudia. White Corrassable Bond-(age): Lost in America as Textual Escape. Diss. State University of New York at Albany. (PhD) (Crucible)
- Cavanaugh, Sandra. Materials for a Production of All My Sons by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Iowa, pp184. (MFA)
- Curley, John. It’s Just Business … Or Is It?: American Capitalism as Seen by Arthur Miller in All My Sons and Death of a Salesman and by David Mamet in American Buffalo and Glengarry Glen Ross. Diss. Montclair State University, pp. 67. (MA)
- Mason, Carol Ann. Fundamental Opposition: Feminism, Narrative, and the Abortion Debate. Diss. University of Minnesota. (PhD) (Crucible)
- Miller, Lance Barry. Gone West: Landscapes of the Imaginary in Modern American Drama. Diss. Stanford University. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Paolantonio, Fiammetta. Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams: On the Way to Tragedy. Diss. University of Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 75. (German)
- Proctor, Susan Kay Anthony. A Semiotic Reading of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Oklahoma, pp. 305. (PhD)
- Solomonson, Michael C. An Archetypal Study of the Fertility Angel Paradigm in Dramatic Literature. Diss. University of Nebraska. (PhD) (Brecht, Kushner, Wilder and Miller)
- Steinmann, Angela Claire. Society and the Individual in Arthur Miller’s Works: A Comparative Analysis of Focus, All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, and The Last Yankee. Diss. University of Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 89. (German)
- Von Reitzenstein, Elfi. Literature and Drama as Instruments for Social Negotiation. Sonoma State University, pp. 178. (MA)
- Welch, James Eugene. Leadership Through Literature: Learning Leadership Skills. Vanderbilt University, pp. 215. (EdD) (Sons)
- Witt, Jonathan Ronald. Fearless Audiences: How Modern American Literature Flatters Us. Diss. University of Kansas. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Zhang, Ning. L’Occidentalisme et la Réception du Théâtre Occidental en Chine: 1978-1989. Diss. Arts du Spectacle: Paris, pp. 456. (PhD) (French)
- Gordon, Julie. Une Comparaison de Trois Oeuveres Intertextuels: Moi, Tituba Sorciere de Maryse Conde, The Crucible d’Arthur Miller, et The Scarlet Letter de Nathaniel Hawthorne. Diss. Colorado College, pp. 35. (BA)
- Koorey, Stefani R. Attention Must Be Paid the Misinvention of Women in the Life and Literature of Arthur Miller. Diss. Pennsylvania State University, pp. 415. (PhD) (Sons, Salesman, Crucible, “Please Don’t Kill Anything,” Misfits, After the Fall, Playing for Time, Broken Glass and “Homely Girl: A Life.”)
- Marino, Stephen A. Arthur Miller’s Language “The Poetic in the Colloquial.” Fordham University, pp. 249. (PhD)
- Wilkins, John Robinson. The Problem of the American Playwright: The Successes and Failures of e.e.cummings, Arthur Miller and Sam Shepard. Diss. University of California, Berkeley, pp. 342. (PhD)
- Abbotson, Susan Claire Whitfield. Towards a Humanistic Democracy: The Balancing Acts of Arthur Miller and August Wilson. Diss. University of Connecticut, pp. 388. (PhD) (American Clock, Last Yankee, Broken Glass, Archbishop, Danger: Memory, Two-Way Mirror, Playing for Time, Ride)
- Abrams, Nathan David. Struggling for Freedom: Arthur Miller, the “Commentary” Community, and the Cultural Cold War. Diss. University of Birmingham. (PhD)
- Bouté, Bradley J. The Lighting Design of All My Sons. Diss. Arizona State University, pp. 100 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Flösch, Astrid. Produktive Erarbeitung Eines Dramas in der Realschule am Beispiel von Arthur Millers Tod eines Handlungsreisenden (Productive Development of a Drama in Secondary School with the Example of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman). Diss. University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, Germany, pp. 173 (w. illus.). (German)
- Hawkins, Lynn McClary. Wise Child, Wise Woman: The Story of Annie Mae McClary Walker. Diss. University of Nebraska—Lincoln, pp. 208. (PhD) (references Miller as a friend)
- Lavoie, Bernard. Arthur Miller in Montreal Cultural Transfer of American Plays in Quebec (1965-1997). Louisiana State Univ, pp. 146. (PhD)
- Rachman, Linda. Representasi Keluarga Amerika Dalam Lakon Our Town (American Family Representation in the Play Our Town). Diss. Pascasarjana UI, Indonesia. (includes Salesman)
- Schulgasser, Estelle. The Autobiographical Plays of Eugene O’Neill, Tennessee Williams, and Arthur Miller. Bar-Ilan University, Israel. (MA) (parts in Hebrew)
- Terhune, Ruth. The Literary Legacy of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Arthur Miller on the Two Most Infamous Witch Hunts in American History. Diss. Seton Hall University. (MA)
- Wang, Huei-Ling. Guilt and Responsibility in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, After the Fall and Incident at Vichy. Diss. Providence University, Taiwan, pp. 96. (MA)
- Bennett, Catherine Elizabeth. The Interrelated Development of Social Values and the Concept of the Tragic Hero with Reference to the Works of Arthur Miller. Diss. Universiteit van Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 170. (MA) (parts in Afrikaans)
- Dornfeld, Autumn. The Crucible: A Proposal to Direct The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 48. (BA Honors)
- El-Khoury, Asmahan. Le Thème du Mal dans le Théâtre d’Arthur Miller et de Jean Anouilh. Diss. Université Toulouse, pp. 538. (PhD) (French)
- Lee, Yonghee. Comparative Study of Arthur Miller and Beomsuk Cha. Diss. Michigan State University, pp. 138. (MA)
- Little, Cray. A Disease of the Spirit: The Identification and Examination of Shame in Selected Works of Modern American Literature. Diss. Ohio State University, pp. 307. (PhD) (William Faulkner, Arthur Miller, Eugene O’Neill, Nathanael West, and Tennessee Williams)
- Lux, Elaine. No Longer a Stranger: Co-Creation and the Healing Connection. Diss. Union Institute, pp. 205. (PhD) (After the Fall)
- White, Thomas P. “A Man is His Job”: Business Men and Marginalized Women in the Business Plays of Arthur Miller and David Mamet. Montclair State University, pp. 73. (MA)
- Wilson, Eliot Kahlil. Neo-Marxist Reading in American Drama: Clifford Odets and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of Alabama, pp. 297. (PhD)
- Carroll, Betty Jane Gilmore. Disillusionment with the American Dream Found in Representative Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, and Arthur Miller. Diss. Midwestern State University, pp. 78. (MA)
- Egerton, Katherine E. Sick in Twos and Threes and Fours: Representation, Redemption and Mental Illness in Arthur Miller’s Later Plays. Diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 213. (PhD) (Price, Archbishop, Some Kind of Love Story, Last Yankee, Ride and Broken Glass)
- El-Shazly, Amany. A Stylistic Account of Conflict and Characterization in Arthur Miller’s Family-Relation Plays. Diss. University of Lancaster, UK. (PhD)
- Grebel, Darin. Death of a Salesman: From Play to Film. Diss. California State University, Dominguez Hills, pp. 56. (MA)
- Montgomery, Catherine Ann. L’Holocauste dans la Littérature: une Étude de Romans Écrits en Français et en Anglais Entre 1945-1970. Université de Strasbourg, France, pp. 98. (French) (Focus)
- Schmeis, Britta (and Maryse Condé, John W De Forest). Die Funktionalisierung der Salemer Hexenprozesse von 1692 am Beispiel von John W. De Forest’s Witching Times (1856), Arthur Miller’s The Crucible (1953) und Maryse Condes I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem (1986) (The Functionalization of the Salem Witch Trials from 1692 in the Examples of…). Diss. University of Hamburg, Germany, pp. 119. (German)
- Tarver, Milton L. Constructing Willy Loman: Lee J. Cobb, Paul Muni, Gene Lockhart and Thomas Mitchell. Diss. California State University, Northridge, pp. 163 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Towsley, Karen. Directing Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. Diss. University of Alberta, pp. 185 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Apolinário, Valdemar dos Passos. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: Politics, Social Conscience, and the American Dream. Diss. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, pp. 62.
- Chin, Jia-Hua. The Lighting Design for Arthur Miller’s After the Fall. Diss. Texas Tech University, pp. 6 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Fox, Michael C. Building the Bridge: Elements of the Production Process for A View from the Bridge. Diss. DePaul University, pp. 27 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Holloman, Kathryn Lee. A Delicate Balance: Responsibility of the Individual to Society and Self in the Works of Arthur Miller. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, pp. 50. (BA Honors)
- Howard, Tiffany Murphy. Examining the Role of Observer and Participant: An Actor’s Approach to Louise in Arthur Miller’s After the Fall. Diss. Texas Tech University, pp. 59. (MFA)
- Lantz, Tiffany J. Las Tragedias de Antonio Buero Vallejo y Arthur Miller: Un Estudio de El Tragaluz y Death of a Salesman Como Reflejos Sociales de la Gran Depresión y la Guerra Civil Espańola. Diss. Whitman College, pp. 57. (BA) (Spanish)
- Mahoney, Timothy P. Theater Direction: The Complicated Art of Doing Nothing. Diss. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, pp. 40. (MFA) (The Crucible)
- Ricciardi, Gina. Hope in an Unbeautiful World: After the Fall and After Arthur Miller’s Postlapsarian Period. Diss. Drew University, pp. 302. (MA)
- Wakefield, Thaddeus Paige. The Commodification of the American Family: An Analysis of Twentieth-Century American Drama. Diss. University of California, Riverside, pp. 326. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Amerongen, Jan G Van. Directing All My Sons. Diss. Regent University. (MA)
- Arend, Wolfgang. Auf der Jagd Nach Hexen und Zuschauern: Mediensoziologische Bausteine zu einer Theorie des Remakes am Beispiel von Hexenfilmen (In the Hunt for Witches and Spectators: Media Sociological Building Blocks to a Theory of Remake Using the Example of Witch Films). Frankfurt University, pp. 296. (PhD) (The Crucible)
- Athanasion, Thomas John. Arthur Miller, The Crucible, and McCarthyism. Diss. California Polytechnic State University. (BA)
- Darrow, Robert Kerr. A Directorial Exploration and Documentation of Staging Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. Diss. Louisiana State University in Shreveport, pp. 34. (MA)
- DeRosa, Robin. Specters, Scholars, and Sightseers: The Salem Witch Trials and American Memory. Diss. Tufts University, pp. 237. (PhD)
- Feldman, Alexandre Daniel de Souza. A Representação do Holocausto na Peça After the Fall, de Arthur Miller (The Representation of the Holocaust in After the Fall by Arthur Miller) São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 156. (Portuguese)
- Hankins, James William. A Set Design For Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. Diss. Regent University, (w. illus.). (MA)
- Horvath, Olivier. Memory and Myth: Arthur Miller and Roland Barthes on the Importance of Responsibility. Diss. University of Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 88.
- Bertelsen, Rein Fredrik. Moderne Tragedie. Diss. University Of Oslo. (MA) (Bokmal, Norwegian) (Salesman, Sons)
- Brajovic-Andjelkovic, In the Name of God, on the Devil’s Behalf: Witch Hunt in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Ken Russell’s The Devils, Sebastiano Vassalli’s La Chimera, Leonardo Sciascia’s La Strega e il Capitano, Françoise Mallet-Joris’s Anne ou le théâtre and Jeanne ou la révolte, and Maryse Condé’s Moi, Tituba sorcière … Noire de Salem. Diss. University of Toronto, Canada, pp. 285. (PhD)
- De Sapio, Nicole. The Positions of Arthur Miller and August Wilson in the Tradition of Drama Begun by Henrik Ibsen. Diss. George Mason University, pp. 63. (MA)
- Feddern, Theater and the Construction of Community: Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, and Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Diss. Universität Basel, Switzerland, pp. 81.
- Jansson, Ulrika. Tools of Power: on Individual Resistance in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. Diss. Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden.
- Jordan, Ryder. Individuation and the Power of Evil upon the Development of the Personality in Selected Works by C.G. Jung, Arthur Miller, and William Shakespeare. Diss. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, pp. 318. (PhD) (After the Fall)
- Novais, Ana Lúcia Moura. Curvas do Tempo: o Trânsito da Memória e da Experiência em After the Fall, de Arthur Miller (Curves of Time: The Transit of Memory and Experience in After the Fall by Arthur Miller). Diss. São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 111. (PhD) (Portuguese)
- O’Rourke, Kathryn Mercedes. Rites of Passage: Studies in Literature, Film and Culture from 1950 to the Present. Diss. University of California, Riverside, pp. 278. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Pioariu, Mariana-Rodica. Receptarea Dramaturgiei Americane in Context Romanesc–cu Privire Speciala la O’Neill, Arthur Miller si Tennesse Williams (The Reception of American Drama in Romanian Context –with a Special Look at…). Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 328. (PhD) (Romanian)
- Pope, Brant L. Arthur Miller, Popular Front Playwright. Diss. Michigan State University, pp. 295. (PhD)
- Roast, Linda. The Individual Against Society: In Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible. Diss. Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden.
- Smith, Courtney M. Arthur Miller: Spirituality Explored. Diss. Colby College. (BA Hons) (Sons, Crucible, Resurrection Blues, and Creation)
- Smith, William Thomas. Figuring Our Past and Present: Arthur Miller’s Wood Imagery in The Crucible, Death of a Salesman, All My Sons, and The Last Yankee. Diss. Drew University, pp. 63. (MA)
- Wood, Robert. Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller: A Tragic Bond. Diss. California State University, Dominguez, pp. 57. (MA)
- Ceng, Ya Hui. Death of Salesman: A Study of the Building of Its Characters. Diss. National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, pp.85. (MA)
- Clements, Alexis Marie. The Devil’s Mark: An Actress’ Journey Through The Diss. Theatre Arts Linfield College, pp. 162, (w. illus.). (BA)
- Hall, Nancy Ortiz. America’s Countersubversive Tradition: An Examination of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, John Winthrop’s “Modell of Christian Charity,” and John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. Diss. Our Lady of the Lake University, TX, pp. 115. (MA)
- McElwain, Chris. Drunks and Dreamers: The Case for American Tragedy. Diss. Whitman College, WA, pp.52. (BA) (Salesman)
- Rosin, Matthew S. Obsoleting Culture: An Educational Reading of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Stanford University, pp. 187. (PhD)
- Bouchier, Nicola. “Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been, a Witch?”: A Critical Analysis of the Transnational Appeal of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. National University of Ireland, pp. 73. (MA)
- All My Sons by Arthur Miller. Diss. DePaul University, pp. 67 (w. illus.). (MFA) (Production)
- Dominik, Jane K. Image and Word: The Stages of Arthur Miller’s Drama. Diss. University of East Anglia, UK. (PhD)
- Hogan, Katherine A. Talking to the Audience: Narrative Characters in Twentieth-Century Drama. Diss. St. John’s University, pp. 122. (PhD) (O’Neill; Wilder; Williams; Miller; Shaffer; Wasserstein; Edson)
- Kong, Belinda Wai Chu. Species of Afterlife: Translation and Displacement in Twentieth-Century Chinese-English Contexts. Diss. University of Michigan, pp. 237. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Morena, Traci R. “And (In) Justice for All:” The Pillars, Mavericks, and Dummies in the Plays of Henrik Ibsen and Arthur Miller. Diss. Western Connecticut State University, pp. 86. (MA)Parks,
- Pablé, Adrian. The Construction of a Period Dialect the Language of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and its Sources. Diss. Zürich University, pp. 180. (PhD)
- Samuel-Tenenholtz, Bela Ruth. After the Unthinkable: The Portal in the Vault: Jewish Identity and Shoah Symbolism in Arthur Miller’s Writing. Diss. University of Haifa, Israel, pp. 214. (PhD)
- Feldman, Alexandre Daniel de Souza. O Éden de Arthur Miller: Elementos Bíblicos e Existencialistas na Peça A Criação do Mundo e Outros Negócios: Seriedade e Crítica em uma Obra Cômica (Arthur Miller’ s Eden: Biblical and Existentialist Elements in the Play The Creation of the World and Other Business: Seriousness and Critics in a Comic Work. Diss. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 254. (PhD) (Portuguese)
- Hargreaves, Francis Joseph. Developing the Character of Peter Stockmann in a Production of An Enemy of the People: An Actor’s Journey. Diss. Regent University. (MA)
- Hargreaves, Francis Joseph. Developing the Character of Deputy-Governor Thomas Danforth in Regent University’s Production of The Crucible: Danforth’s Journey. Diss. Regent University. (MFA)
- Julien, Guislaine. “Clara,” a One-Act Play by Arthur Miller: Introduction and Translation. Diss. Lille University, France. (MA) (Multiple Languages)
- Kenny, Lynn. The Crucible: Creating Elizabeth Proctor. Diss. Regent University. (MFA)
- Lampi, Liisa. Kristallivalheita : Itsepetos Filosofisen Tulkinnan Lähtökohtana Eräissä Draaman Klassikoissa (Crystal Wave–Self-Determination as a Starting Point for Philosophical Interpretation in Some Drama Classics). Diss. University of Helsinki, Finland. (Finnish) (Salesman)
- Laughlin, Wade L. The Song Stuck in My Head: Using the Musical Intelligence in Vocabulary Instruction. Diss. Bethel University, MN, pp. 55. (MA) (Crucible)
- Nelson, Chris. The Actor’s Process: John Proctor and The Crucible. Diss. Regent University. (MFA)
- Polster, Joshua E. Rethinking Arthur Miller: Symbol and Structure. Diss. University of Washington, pp. 337. (PhD)
- Tuttle, Kendal E. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: A Modern Directorial Concept. Diss. Regent University. (MFA)
- Werden, Leslie A. The Tragic Consequences of Societal and Cultural Memory: William Shakespeare and Arthur Miller. Diss. University of North Dakota, pp. 152. (PhD)
- Brooks, Tiffany Yecke. Ready-Made Stories: The Rhetorical Function of Myths and Lore Cycles as Agents of Social Commentary. Diss. Florida State University, pp. 165. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Gautier, Alexis. “I Can’t Remember Anything” a One-Act Play by Arthur Miller. Diss. Lille University, pp. 64. (MA) (Multiple Languages)
- Gerace, Jason William. Creating The Arthur Miller Project. Diss. University of Oklahoma, pp. 207 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Hopkins, Boone J. An Exploration of Process: Directing All My Sons. Diss. Virginia Commonwealth University. (MFA)
- Janardanan, Dipa. Images of Loss in Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie, Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Marsha Norman’s ‘Night, Mother, and Paula Vogel’s How I Learned to Drive. Diss. Georgia State University, pp. 208. (PhD)
- Lucas, Duncan Alexander. Dreams We Learn: Affect Theory, Genre, and the Example of Tragedy. Diss. McMaster University, pp. 300. (PhD) (Salesman)
- Leme, Viviane Maria. A Concepção da Tragédia Moderna em The Crucible e A View from the Bridge de Arthur Miller. Diss. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 157. (MA) (Portuguese)
- Zacharias, Julica Mareike. Die Darstellung des Sterbensprozesses im Neueren Amerikanischen Drama (The Presentation of the Dying Process in Recent American Drama). Diss. Universität Augsburg, Germany. (German) (Salesman).
- Northrup, Graham J. Directing Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. Diss. Baylor University, pp. 123 (w. illus.). (MA)
- Walker, The Inescapable Past: Form, Family and Denial in Arthur Miller’s Plays All My Sons, Death of a Salesman and The Price. Diss. University of Freiburg, Switzerland, pp. 69. (MA)
- Bereznak, Ronda J. The Importance of Self-Worth for Fathers and Families in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman and August Wilson’s Fences. Diss. California State University, Los Angeles.
- Bilbija, Tanja. Ancient Greek Tragedy in Arthur Miller’s Plays: Examining the Elements of Ancient Greek Tragedy in Arthur Miller’s Plays Death of a Salesman and The Crucible. Diss. University v Ljubljani, Slovenia, pp. 64.
- Coakley, Robert Anthony. Suicide and Self-Sacrifice in the Works of Arthur Miller. Diss. Montclair State University, pp. 59. (MA)
- Farrar, Ryan. “You Can’t Eat the Orange and Throw the Peel Away–A Man is Not a Piece of Fruit!”: A Comparative Study of the Characters and the Dystopia in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Tarleton State University, pp. 165. (MA)
- Gros, Camille. The Myths of the Self-Made-Man: Cowboys, Salesmen and Pirates in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Georgia State University, pp. 88. (MA)
- Hecking, Elena-Marie. Theaterverfilmungen: Die Darstellung Komplexer Familienkrisen in einer Zeitlichen und Räumlichen Einheit am Beispiel der Theaterstücke und Deren Ausgewählter Filmischer Adaptionen von Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman und Tennessee Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Theater Depictions: The Representation of Complex Family Crises in a Temporal and Spatial Unity with the Example of the Plays and Their Selected Film Adaptations by…). Diss. Konstanz Universiẗat, Germany, pp. 51. (MA) (German)
- Katalin, Smudla. Rhetorical Strategies of Conflicts and their Aviodance in 20th – Century British and American Dramas Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, Long Day’s Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neill, and The Caretaker by Harold Pinter. Diss. Budapest ELTE Angol-Amerikai Intézet, pp. 58. (MA)
- Metzger, Angela. The Critical Fortunes of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. California State University, Chico, pp. 91. (MA)
- Osborne, Emily. The Cost of Keeping Up Appearances: An Exploration into the Character of Kate Keller in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons. Diss. University of Arkansas, pp. 46. (MFA)
- Prexl, Lydia. Die Desillusionierung des amerikanischen Traums am Beispiel der Salesmen von Arthur Miller, David Mamet und Eugene O’Neill. Diss. Diplomarbeit Universität Mannheim, Germany, pp. 113. (German).
- Appling, Leonard Troy. Political Priests: The Role of Religious Figures in Modern American Drama. Diss. Florida State University, pp. 141. (PhD) (Crucible)
- Benson, Shannon Laura. The Twentieth-Century Operas of Robert Ward. Diss. University of Western Ontario. (PhD) (Crucible)
- Callinan, Louise. Revered Abroad, Abused at Home: Arthur Miller’s Contentious Dialogue with America. Diss. Dublin City University, pp. 364. (PhD)
- Cocks, Daniel. The Staging of Conscience in Arthur Miller’s Drama. Diss. University of Gloucestershire. (BA)
- Goldyn, Wiliam Andrews. Ascending The Crucible: An In-Depth Study of Arthur Miller’s Classic Play, His Purpose for Writing It, and Exploring Why These Reasons Still Hold Validity for Both a High School Cast and Their Audienc Diss. University of Northern Colorado, pp. 330. (MA)
- Greene, Andrew. Happy is Not Happy: A Method into Arthur Miller’s Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Arkansas, pp. 31. (MFA)
- Kecheng, Pan. Constructions of Racial Identities in Arthur Miller’s Focus and Clara. Diss. Ocean University of China, China. (MA)
- Maley, Patrick. Speech Acts at Work in Tragedy: Ordinary Language from the Classical to the Contemporary Stage. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 251 (PhD) (Salesman)
- Rodgers, Jennifer. Moral Absolutism in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. State University of New York College at Brockport, pp. 53. (MA)
- Yaghmaei, Shahram. John Cheever, J.D. Salinger, Jack Kerouac, Arthur Miller, Sylvia Plath and Postwar America. København, Denmark. (Danish)
- Zachmann, Théo. Temporalité et Influence du Cinéma dans l’Écriture Théâtrale: à Partir de la Lecture de Mort d’un commis voyageur d’Arthur Miller (Temporality and Influence of Cinema in Theatrical Writing: From Reading Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller). Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris), pp. 82. (MA) (French)
- Zhuan, Kecheng Pan. Cultural Constructions of Racial Identities in Arthur Miller’s Focus and Diss. Taiwan, p. 112. (MA)
- Carr, Meredith L. Threatening the Patriarchy: Dangerous Women (Not) Performing Gender in Male-Written Drama. Diss. University of North Alabama, pp. 75. (MA) (Shakespeare, Ibsen and Miller)
- Grayson, William. Into the Fire: My Journey Into the Life of John Proctor. Diss. University of Arkansas, pp. 29. (MFA)
- Harrell, Laura. Forgiven: Creating the Role of Elizabeth Proctor. Diss. University of Arkansas, pp. 23. (MFA)
- Hartnett, Terence. Out of Adjustment: Forging Masculinities at the Intersection of Postwar American Drama and Film. Diss. Indiana University, pp. 286. (PhD )
- Heritage, Barbara Salvadori. Issues of Criticism and Authorship in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons: A Bakhtinian Reading. Diss. East Carolina University, pp. 54. (MA)
- Manning, Tracy S. Evil in Four Arthur Miller Plays. Diss. St. Indiana University, pp. 83 (ML)
- Schwarz, Monika. Parents, Adults and Children: Social Criticism in Arthur Miller’s Protagonists. Diss. University of Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 103.
- Weidenbach, Julia. “The Power of the Past” Arthur Miller’s Späte Dramen (Arthur Miller’s Late Dramas). Heidelberg University, Germany, pp. 325. (PhD) (German)
- Ahern, Audrey G. Searching For Goodness: The Journey of a Character and an Actress in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. West Virginia University, pp. 34. (MFA)
- Berkich, Being Isolated While Really Asking the Question: The Process of Rehearsing and Performing Deputy Governor Danforth in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. West Virginia University, pp. 30. (MFA)
- Clapp, Jeffrey Michael. The Confessional Turn: Postwar U.S. Literature and the National Security State. Diss. English University of California, Irvine, pp. 264. (PhD) (Crucible and others)
- de Oliveira, Ewerton Silva. Análise Formal de Death of a Salesman, de Arthur Miller, e Rasga Coração, de Oduvaldo Vianna Filho: A Utilização do Épico (Formal Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman and Tear Heart by Oduvaldo Vianna Filho: The Use of the Epic). Diss. San Paulo, Brazil. (MA) (Portuguese)
- Holt, An Actor’s Process in Performing the Role of John Proctor in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. West Virginia University, pp. 34. (MFA)
- Immonen, Jarkko. The Woods Are Burning! : The Restoration of the American Dream and Expressionism in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Helsinki.
- Koehnle, Designing the Scenery for The Crucible. Diss. Kent State University, pp. 53. (MFA)
- Lauer, Benjamin Thomas. Technical Direction Process of The Crucible. Diss. West Virginia University, pp. 152 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Little, In an Instant It All Comes Crashing Down: Arthur Miller’s The Man Who Had All the Luck, All My Sons, and Death of a Salesman. Diss. Millersville University of Pennsylvania, pp. 69. (MA)
- Molyneux, Abbey Jo. Playing Ann in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons: One Actress’ Approach in Creating a Role. Diss. University of Arkansas, pp. 59. (MFA)
- Munsi, Nabaneeta. Familial and Social Implications in the Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, India, pp. 275. (Phd)
- Phelps, Claire A. The Crucible: The Challenges of Lighting an Ever-Changing Set. Diss. West Virginia University, pp. 59 (w. illus.). (MFA)
- Fadhil, Musaab Abdulkareem. Contextualizing Arthur Miller’s Play The Crucible (1953), For the Screen : Jean-Paul Sartre’s Les Sorcieres De Salem (1957) and Miller’s The Crucible (1996). Diss. Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, pp. 104. (MA)
- Malburne-Wade, Meredith M. Revision as Resistance in Twentieth-Century American Drama. Diss. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, pp. 250 (PhD)
- Meeks, Heather Wilson. Mentioning the Mothers: Representations of Motherhood as Taught to Eleventh Grade English Students in Texas Through the Study of Dramatic Literature. Diss. Texas A & M University, pp. 57. (MS) (Salesman and Glass Menagerie)
- Pressley, Daniel Nelson. Visa Denied: U.S. Playwriting and the Anti-Political Habitus Post-Angels in America. Diss. University of Maryland.
- Artan, Fredrik. Narcissism and the American Dream in Arthur Miller´s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Karlstad Universityar, Sweden, pp. 23. (BA)
- Aziz, Aamir. Theatre as Truth Practice: Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: A Play Waiting for the Occasion. Leiden University, Netherlands, pp. 219. (PhD)
- Haehn, Timothy Jeffrey. Responsibility, Freedom, and the State: Toward an Aesthetics and Politics of Guild in American Literature, 1929-1960. Diss. University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 179. (PhD) (section on Death of a Salesman)
- Kumar, Amit. Social Awareness in the Works of Arthur Miller. Diss. Chaudhary Charan Singh University, pp. 193. (PhD)
- Mesina Da Costa, Carla. The Destitute Figure in Shakespeare’s King Lear and Miller‘s Death of a Salesman. Diss. Universidad de Chile, Chile. pp. 60.
- Muhi, Maysoon Taher. An Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Characters in Selected Plays from the Perspectives of Third Force Psychology and Machiavellianism. Diss. Universiti Sains Malaysia, pp. 287. (PhD)
- Prugh, Stephanie. Hallucinatory Figures in Modern American Drama. Diss. University of Colorado at Boulder, pp. 96. (MA) (Salesman)
- Renato, Jenček. Referenčni, Prostor, Igralca (Reference, Player, Space). University of Ljubljani, Slovania, pp. 62. (Slovenian)
- Schamberger, Rahel. The Literary Representation of the Family in (Post)Modern Drama: A Critical Reading of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night, and Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming. Diss. University of Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 61.
- Sujeesh, C K. Reconstructing the Political Unconscious: A Reading of the Plays of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Diss. Mahatma Gandhi University, India. pp. 272. (PhD) (written 2009)
- Russo, Thiago Pereira. Análise formal de All my sons e de An enemy of the people, de Arthur Miller. Diss. University of São Paulo. (MA) (Portuguese).
- Dilă, Georgiana-Elena, (and Felicia Burdescu). Playing with Plays: A Thematic and Psychoanalytic Study of Arthur Miller’s Works. Diss. Institutul European, Romania, pp. 360. (PhD)
- Jamnik, Shakespearove Usodne Sestre: Diplomsko Delo (Shakespeare’s Fatal Sisters: A Study). Diss. University of Ljubljani, Slovania, pp. 122. (Slovenian) (touches on Crucible)
- M., Jayachandran. Conflict between the Individual and the Society: A Study of the Select Plays of Eugene O Neill, Tennessee Williams, and Arthur Miller. Diss. Bharathidasan University, India, pp. 214. (PhD)
- McKean, Julia Margaret Cornwell. Characterisation in Ward’s Opera The Crucible: Melodic Interpretation of Salem’s Witches and their Accusers via Historical Accounts and Miller’s Play. Diss. Monash University, Australia, pp. 245. (PhD)
- Young, Vagios. Willy Loman and the American Dream. Diss. University of Michigan, pp. 37. (MA)
- Arenas García, Lidia, Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: A Connection between Salem and McCarthyism. Diss. Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.
- Aščič, Jelena. Blejski Ognjemet v Casu Hladne Vojne : 33. Mednarodni PEN Kongres na Bledu Leta 1965 : Diplomsko Delo (Bled Fireworks During the Cold War: 33rd International PEN Congress in Bled in 1965: A Study). University of Ljubljani, Slovania, pp. 190. (Slovenian) (Describes the 1965 33rd International PEN Congress in Bled and Miller is referenced)
- Eng, David Cheng. The Political Plays of Arthur Miller and Kee Thuan Chye: Resisting the Hegemonic State. Diss. Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, pp. 320. (PhD)
- Gailan, Mohammad. Financial Success and the American Dream : A Marxist Reading of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Diss. University of Gävle, Sweden, pp. 36. (BA).
- Scanlan, Stepahanie. On Domestic Angel’s Wings, the Impact of the Mother in the American Family Drama. Diss. Harvard Extension School, Boston, MA. (MA) (Covers Salesman, along with plays by O’Neill, Shepard and Letts).
- Zalaznik, Nika. Ameriški sen v dramah Tennesseeja Williamsa in Arthurja Millerja : magistrsko delo (The American dream in the plays of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller: A Study). Diss. University of Ljubljani, Slovania, pp. 204. (MA) (Slovenian)
- Boyer, Lanny G. Image Projection and its Effect on Audience Engagement in The Crucible. Diss. University of Northern Colorado, pp. 158. (MA)
- Echelberger, Dana. The Power of Magic: American Youth Culture and the Transformation of the Witch. Diss. Simmons University, pp. 95. (MS) (References to Crucible, play and 1996 movie)
- Guenther, Amy Kathleen. Pilgrims, Puritans, and Popular Culture: Performing Citizenship in the 20th Century National imaginary. Diss. University of Texas at Austin, pp. 244. (PhD.) (Tituba in The Crucible)
- Iregui, Juan Antonio Soto. La tragedia y el hombre común: una propuesta sobre lo trágico en la obra de Arthur Miller. Diss. Pregrado Universidad de los Andes, pp. 172. (An original drama that riffs off a combination of All My Sons, A View from the Bridge and Death of a Salesman to explore the tragedy of the common man).
- Wang, Qiuyu. Stones From Other Hills: The Impact of Death of a Salesman on the Revival of Chinese Theatre in the 1980s. Diss. Harvard, pp. 100. (MA).
- Lindberg, Marlene. Patriarchal Princesses and Wicked Witches : A Feminist Reading of the Depiction of Women in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Diss. Karlstad University, Sweden, pp. 26. (BA)
- Mattia, Deanna Marie. “The Unwelcome Truth” : Arthur Miller’s The Crucible as Satirical Political Allegory. Diss. Montclair State University, pp. 42. (MA)
- McGlauglin, Katy. Crucible the Musical? Stage Managing the Crucible at the University of Iowa. Diss, University of Iawa, pp. 72. (MFA)
- Lippert, Leopold. Performing America Abroad: Transnational Cultural Politics in the Age of Neoliberal Capitalism. Diss. Heidelberg Universitäts, (features Willy Loman).
- Eguiguren, Ignacio Amestoy. Claves de la escritura dramática contemporánea a través de la tragedia griega. Diss. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 309. (Phd) (references After the Fall).
- Sinkiewich, Lynda. The Icarus Storyline in United States Literature: Exploring Class Barriers. Diss. Union Institute and University, pp. 251. (Phd) (features Death of a Salesman).
- Leinster, Ciarán. Postmodernism, or, the Changed Logic of Late Arthur Miller. Diss. Universidad de Sevilla. (Phd)
- Singh, Ambika. Individual and Social Paralysis in the Later Plays of Arthur Miller. Diss. MNIT Jaipur. (Phd)
- Compton, Hannah Rose. Fighting for the Truth: Costume Design Temple University’s Production of An Enemy of the People. Diss. Temple University, pp. 106. (MFA)
- Morris, Hope. Bewitching the Blame : The Crucible’s Legacy of Appropriation and Sexual Shame in Popular Culture. Illinois State University, pp. 68. (MS)
- Petino, Clara. Salem – A Literary Profile : Themes and Motifs in the Depiction of Colonial and Contemporary Salem in American Fiction. University of Cologne, pp. 336. (PhD) (Crucible)
- Rezaie, Naghmeh. Cross-cultural Adaptations in National and International Cinemas : The Case of Iranian Films. University of Delaware, pp. 321. (PhD) (Salesman)
Gagino Mato, Andrea. Hysteria, Witches, and Women: A Feminist Reading of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Universidade da Coruña, pp. 40. (BA)