Primary Bibliography and Interviews

Primary Bibliography of Miller’s Works
After the Fall.  New York: Viking, 1964.
After The Fall.  [television adaptation]  New York: Bantam, 1974.
All My Sons.  New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1947.
The American Clock.  London: Methuen, 1983.
The American Clock and The Archbishop’s Ceiling. New York: Grove, 1989.
The Archbishop’s Ceiling.  London: Methuen, 1984.
Arthur Miller: Plays Five.  London: Methuen, 1995.
Arthur Miller: Plays Four.  London: Methuen, 1994.
Arthur Miller: Plays Three.  London: Methuen, 1990.
Arthur Miller’s Adaptation of “An Enemy of the People” by Henrik Ibsen.  New York:  Viking, 1951.
Arthur Miller’s Collected Plays. New York: Viking, 1957.
Arthur Miller’s Collected Plays: Vol 2.  New York: Viking, 1981.
“The Bare Manuscript.”  New Yorker  16 December  2002:  82-93.
“Beavers.”  Harper’s Magazine  February 2005:  79-82
“Bees.”  Michigan Quarterly Review  29.2 (Spring 1990):  152-57.
“Bridge to a Savage World.”  Esquire  October 1958:  185-90.
Broken Glass.  New York: Viking, 1994.
“Bulldog.”  New Yorker  77.23 (13 August  2001):  72-76.
Chinese Encounters [with Inge Morath].  New York: Farrar, 1979.
Collected Essays by Arthur Miller. Ed. Susan C. W. Abbotson. New York: Penguin, 2016.
The Collected Essays of Arthur Miller. Ed. Matthew Roudané. London: Bloomsbury Methuen, 2015.
The Collected Plays of Arthur Miller. 3 vols. Ed. Tony Kushner. New York: Library of America, 2015. [Third volume includes some previously unpublished radio plays from the 1930/40s and other new materials]
The Creation of the World and Other Business.  New York: Viking, 1973.
The Crucible.  New York: Viking, 1953.
The Crucible:  Screenplay.  New York: Penguin, 1996.
Danger: Memory! New York: Grove, 1986. 
Death of a Salesman.  New York: Viking, 1949.
“Ditchy.” Mayfair Magazine October 1944: 37+.
Echoes Down the Corridor.  Ed. Steven R. Centola.  New York: Viking, 2000. 
“Elegy for a Lady.”  New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1982.
Everybody Wins.  New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1990.
Focus.  New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1945.
The Golden Years and The Man Who Had All the Luck.  London: Methuen, 1989.
“Grandpa and the Statue.”  Radio Drama in Action: Twenty-Five Plays of a Changing World.  Ed. Erik Barnouw. New York: Rinehart, 1945:  267-81.
“Ham Sandwich.”  Boston University Quarterly  24.2 (1976):  5-6.
Homely Girl, A Life and Other Stories.  New York: Viking, 1995. 
I Don’t Need You Anymore.  New York: Viking, 1967. 
“I Think about You a Great Deal.” Václav Havel: Living in Truth.  Ed. Jan Vladislav.  London: Faber and Faber, 1986:  263-65.
“An Immigrant’s Lament.”  New York Times  4 August 1999:  P1.
“In Memoriam.”  New Yorker  25 December 1995 and 1 January 1996:  56-57.
In the Country [with Inge Morath]  New York: Viking, 1977.
In Russia [with Inge Morath]  New York:  1969.
Incident at Vichy.  New York: Viking, 1965.
“It Takes a Thief.”  Collier’s 8 February 1947:  23, 75-76.
Jane’s Blanket.  New York: Crowell-Collier, 1963.
“The Last Yankee”  [single scene]  New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1991.
The Last Yankee.  New York: Penguin, 1994.
“Lines From California: Poem.”  Harper’s  May 1969:  97.
“Lola’s Lament.” Unleashed: Poems by Writers’ Dogs.  Eds. Amy Hempel and Jim Shepard.  New York: Crown, 1995:  60-61.
The Misfits.  [cinema novel]  New York: Viking, 1961.
The Misfits. [screenplay]  Film Scripts Three.  Eds. George P. Garrett, O. B. Hardison Jr., and Jane R. Gelfman.  New York: Irvington, 1989:  202-382.
Mr. Peters’ Connections.  New York: Penguin, 1999.
“The Night Ed Murrow Struck Back.”  Esquire  December 1983:  460-62, 465, 467-68.
“The 1928 Buick.”  Atlantic  October 1978:  49-51, 54-56.
“On Broadway: Notes on the Past and Future of American Theater.”  Harper’s March 1999:  37-45.
On Politics and the Art of Acting.  New York: Viking, 2001.
“Our Guilt For the World’s Evil.”  New York Times Magazine  3 Jan. 1965:  10-11, 48.
“The Past and Its Power: Why I Wrote The Price.”  New York Times  14 November 1999, sec. 2:  5.
The Penguin Arthur Miller: Collected Plays. Ed. Lynn Nottage. New York: Penguin, 2015.
“The Performance.”  New Yorker  22/29 April  2002: 176-88.
“The Plaster Masks.”  Encore: A Continuing Anthology 9 (April 1946):  424-32.
Playing for Time.  [teleplay]. New York: Bantam, 1981.
Playing for Time.  Chicago: Dramatic Publishing Company, 1985.
“The Poosidin’s Resignation.” Boston University Quarterly  24.2 (1976):  7-13.
The Portable Arthur Miller.  Ed. Christopher Bigsby.  New York: Penguin, 1995.
“The Presence.”  Esquire  July 2003:  108-09.
The Presence: Stories. New York: Viking, 2007.
The Price.  New York: Viking, 1968.
“The Pussycat and the Expert Plumber Who Was a Man.”  One Hundred Non-Royalty Radio Plays.  Ed. William Kozlenko.  New York: Greenberg, 1941:  20-30.
Resurrection Blues.  New York: Penguin, 2006.
The Ride Down Mt. Morgan.  New York: Penguin, 1992.
“The Ryan Interview.” EST Marathon ‘95: The Complete One-Act Plays.  Ed. Marisa Smith.  Lyme, New Hampshire: Smith and Kraus, 1995:  139-50.
Salesman in Beijing.  New York: Viking, 1983.
“Should Ezra Pound Be Shot?”  New Masses  25 December 1945:  5-6.
Situation Normal. . . . New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1944.
“Some Kind of Love Story.”  New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1983.
“The Story of Gus.”  Radio’s Best Plays.  Ed. Joseph Liss.  New York: Greenberg, 1947:  307-19.
“Subsidized Theater.”  New York Times  22 June 1947. sec.2:  1.
“That They May Win.”  The Best One-Act Plays of 1944.  Ed. Margaret Mayorga.  New York: Dodd, Mead, 1945:  45-59.
The Theatre Essays of Arthur Miller.  Ed. Robert A. Martin.  New York: Viking, 1978.  
The Theatre Essays of Arthur Miller.  Eds. Robert A. Martin and Steven R. Centola.  Rev. ed. New York: Viking, 1995.  
Timebends: A Life.  New York: Grove, 1987.  
Two-Way Mirror.  London: Methuen, 1984.
Up From Paradise.  New York: Samuel French, 1984.
A View from The Bridge.  New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1957.
A View from The Bridge: Two One Act Plays by Arthur Miller.  New York: Viking, 1955. 
“A Visit with Castro.”  The Nation  278 (12 January 2004):  13-17.
“Waiting for the Teacher: On Israel’s Fiftieth Anniversary.”  Harper’s  July 1998: 56-57.
“White Puppies.”  Esquire  July 1978:  32-36.
“With Respect to Her Agony—But with Love.”  Life  56.6 (February 1964):  66.
“Why Israel Must Choose Justice.”  The Nation  277 (4-11 August 2003):  26-28.
“William Ireland’s Confession.”  One Hundred Non-Royalty Radio Plays.  Ed. William Kozlenko.  New York: Greenberg, 1941:  512-21.

Selected Interviews
Allen, Jennifer.  “Miller’s Tale.”  New York  16 (24 Jan. 1983):  33-37.
Applebome, Peter.  “Present at the Birth of a Salesman.”  New York Times  29 January 1999:  B1.
“Arthur Miller.”  Vanity Fair  March 1999:  280.
Atlas, James.  “The Creative Journey of Arthur Miller Leads Back to Broadway and TV.”  New York Times  28 September 1980, sec. 2:  1, 32.
Balakian, Jan.  “A Conversation with Arthur Miller.”  Michigan Quarterly Review  29 (Spr. 1990):  158-70.
—.  “An Interview with Arthur Miller.”  Studies in American Drama 1945 to the Present  6.1 (1991):  28-47.
Barber, John.  “Guilt Edged Miller.”  Daily Telegraph  10 September 1979:  13.
Barthel, Joan.  “Arthur Miller Ponders The Price.”  New York Times  28 January 1968, sec. 2:  1,5.
Bigsby, Christopher.  “Arthur Miller: The Art of the Theatre II, Part II.”  Paris Review  152 (Fall 1999):  208-24.
—, ed.  Arthur Miller and Company.  London: Methuen, 1990.
—.  “Miller’s Odyssey to a Brutal Decade.”  Guardian  4 August 1986:   9.
—. ed.  Remembering Arthur Miller.  London: Methuen, 2005.
Breslauer, Jan.  “The Arthur Miller Method.”  Los Angeles Times   19 June 1994, Calendar:  8.
Carroll, James, and Helen Epstein.  “Seeing Eye to Eye.”  Boston Review  14 (February 1989):  12-13.
Centola, Steven.  Arthur Miller in Conversation.  Dallas, Texas: Northouse & Northouse, 1993.
—.  “The Last Yankee: An Interview with Arthur Miller.”  American Drama 5.1 (Fall 1995):  78-98.
Century, Douglas.  “Miller’s Tale of ‘Tribalism’: The Playwright Returns to His Roots.”  Forward  22 April 1994:  1, 10.
Cheever, Susan.  “Arthur Miller: The One Thing That Keeps Us from Chaos.”  New Choices for Retirement Living  October 1994:  22-25.
Dunham, Mike.  “Society, Art and Obligations: Conversation with Arthur Miller.”  Anchorage Daily News  1 Sep. 1996:  3H.
Edwards, Brian.  “Arthur Miller: After the Canonization.”  In the Vernacular: Interviews at Yale with Sculptors of Culture.  Ed.  Melissa E. Biggs.  Jefferson: McFarland, 1991:  139-44.
“Every Play Has a Purpose.”  Dramatists Guild Quarterly  15 (Winter 1979):  13-20.
Fariello, Griffin.  “Arthur Miller.”  Red Scare: Memories of the American Inquisition.  New York: Norton, 1995:  340-45.
Feldman, Robert.  “Arthur Miller on the Theme of Evil.”  Resources for American Literary Study  17 (Spring 1990):  87-93.
Funke, Lewis.  “Interview with Arthur Miller.”  Playwrights Talk about Writing.  Chicago: Dramatic, 1975:  175-95.
Gruen, John.  “Arthur Miller.”  Close-Up.  New York: Viking, 1968:  58-63.
Guernsey, Otis L.  “Conversation with Arthur Miller.”  Dramatists Guild Quarterly  24.2 (Summer 1987):  12-21.
Gussow, Mel.  Conversations with Arthur Miller.  New York: Applause, 2002.
Hattersley, Roy.  “A View from the Barricades.”  Guardian  24 October 1998, Features:  6.
Hayman, Ronald.  “Arthur Miller.”  Playback 2.  New York: Horizon, 1973:  7-22.
Hirschhorn, Clive.  “Memories of a Salesman.”  Plays and Players (July 1986):  7-10.
Kaplan, James.  “Miller’s Crossing.”  Vanity Fair  November 1991:  218-21, 241-48.
Kullman, Colby H.  “Death of a Salesman at Fifty: An Interview with Arthur Miller.”  Michigan Quarterly Review  37.4 (Fall 1998):  624-35.
Lambert, Angela.  “An Intellect at Ease.”  Independent  2 August 1994:  17, 19.
“Learning from a Performer: A Conversation with Arthur Miller.”  Gamut  1 (1982);  9-23.
Meyer, Michael R.  “A Playwright’s Crusades.”  Maclean’s 16 September 1985:  6+.
Morley, Sheridan.  “Miller on Miller.”  Theatre World  61 (March 1965):  4-8.
Ratcliffe, Michael.  “Miller’s Russian Tale.”  Observer  26 October 1986:  23.
“Response to Audience Questions and Answer Session.”  Michigan Quarterly Review  37.4 (Fall 1998):  817-27.
Roudané, Matthew C., ed.  Conversations with Arthur Miller.  Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1987.
Rudman, Michael.  “Michael Rudman in Conversation with Arthur Miller.”  Plays and Players  October 1979:  20-21, 26-27.
Samachson, Dorothy and Joseph.  Let’s Meet the Theatre.  New York:  Abelard-Schuman, 1954:  15-20.
Scavullo, Francisco.  “Arthur Miller, Playwright.”  Scavullo on Men.  New York: Random House, 1977:  134-37.
Solomon, Deborah.  “Goodbye (Again), Norma Jean.”  New York Times  19 September 2004, sec. 6:  63.
Stevens, Virginia.  “Seven Young Broadway Artists.”  Theatre Arts  31 (June 1947):  52-56.
Unger, Arthur.  “Arthur Miller Talks of His Holocaust Drama.”  Christian Science Monitor  19 Sep. 1980:  19.
Wardle, Irving.  “American Patron Saint of the English Stage:  Arthur Miller.”  Independent  28 Jan. 1990:  36.
Wolfert, Ira.  “Arthur Miller, Playwright in Search of His Identity.”  New York Herald Tribune  25 January 1953, sec. 4:  3.