This ongoing database has been collecting information on Miller productions around the globe since 1999. There are only a few entries for each of the first few years, but as the internet made it easier to advertise and find productions, each year’s list has grown longer (as well as there being a growth in productions of Miller’s plays). The current year’s completed productions are here, and you can access tables listing previous years back to 1999 from the table at the bottom of the page. Note: An Enemy of the People is only listed where they are performing Miller’s translation of Ibsen’s play.
During 2025
Death of a Salesman 5 Feb.-2 March by The Naples Players, in the Price Studio Theatre, at 701 5th Ave S, Naples, FL. Directed by Marcus Dean Fuller, with Bob Cappetta, Rhonda Davis, Randall Denman, Nathan Eichhorn, Brian Muniz, Luke Jaconis, Tom Rex Michael Schwabauer, Perry Ventro, Angel Everson, Isla Hofmann and Sidney Mixon. Set design by Kenny Duecker. Call 239 263 7990, or check the website for more information.
All My Sons 25-28 Feb. by Breffni Players at The Dock, Leitrim Road, Carrick on Shannon, Ireland. Directed by Noel O’Callaghan, with Gerry Farrell, Dympna O’Rourke, Martin Burke, Janet Feeney, Tomás Winston, Brendan Kieran, Edwina Mc Nulty, James Faughnan, Aoife Roddy, and .James Gallagher. Set design by Mary Fagan and John McCarthy (working with a 13-feet of stage space). Go here fortickets and check their FaceBook page for more information.
Rehearsals for All My Sons
The Price 19 Feb.-2 March by Camelot Theatre at 101 Talent Avenue, Talent, OR. Directed by Gwen Overland, with Chuck Isen, Jeff McCamish, Sean Warren and Vicki Richardson. Call 541-535-5250 or check the website for more information.
The Price by Camelot Theatre
An Enemy of the People 21-22 Feb. in a staged reading by Department of Theatre at University of Kentucky, in Briggs Theatre, 214 East Main Street, Lexington, KY. Directed by Herman Farrell. Call 859-257-4929 or check the website for more information.
The Crucible 13-22 Feb. by Theatre Guild Valdosta at The Dosta Playhouse, 122 N. Ashley St., Valdosta, GA. Directed by Bryan Layton, assisted by Patti Robertson, with Joshua Joyce, Elizabeth Moore, Marcela Schlote, Josh Robertson, Ben Hawley, Adyson Peterson, Adrian Davis, Paul Kirkland, Eryn Wilson, Megan Raabe, Bonnie Williams, Justin Jacobs, Clay Lee, Megan Crawford, , Sommers Coleman, Makayla Ross, Poppy Walker, Lynnette Worsley, Andrew Thomas, Amelea DeCoudres, Sally Kirkland, Zeke Wilson, T.J. Tillman, Tasha Conrad, and Justin Chandler. Set design by Dana Welch. Call (229) 247-8243 or check the website for more information.
Crucible by Theatre Guild of Valdosta
All My Sons 7-16 Feb. by Little Colonel Players, 302 Mt. Mercy Drive, Pewee Valley, KY. Directed by Clint Gill with Ken Billings, MaryAnn Gramig, Erica Lamb, Jenny Simon Friedenberg, Mike Price, G.B. Dixon, Andrew Skomorowsky, and Andie Helton. Call (502) 241-9906 or check the website for more information.
The Price 19-22 Feb. by St. John Theatre Company, 112 Princess Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Directed by Dean Turner. Call (506) 652-7582 or check the website for more information.
St. John Theatre Company
Illinois Wesleyan University School of Theatre Arts
All My Sons 19-23 Feb. by Illinois Wesleyan University School of Theatre Arts in the Jerome Mirza Theatre, Bloomington, IL. Directed by Thomas Quinn. Call (309) 556-3232 or check the website for more information.
Playmakers Repertory Company
Death of a Salesman 29 Jan–16 Feb. by Playmaker’s Repertory Company, Univertsity of North Carolina, in Joan H Gillings Center for Dramatic Art, 120 Country Club Rd., Chapel Hill, NC. Directed by Michael Wilson, with Paul Carlin, Jeffrey Blair Cornell, Susannah Hough, Julia Gibson, Allen Tedder, Matthew Donahue, Samuel Ray Gates, Nate John Mark, Reez Bailey, Elizabeth Dye, Mengwe Wapimewah, and Jadah Johnson. Tickets go on sale this July. Call 919.962.7529 or check the website for more information.
The Crucible 7-8 Feb. by the Sacramento Contemporary Dance Theatre at Sofia, Home of B Street Theatre, 2700 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA. “Following a successful world premiere at The Fringe Festival in Scotland this past August: see Arthur Miller’s classic tale like never before.” Directed and choreographed by Jacob Gutiérrez-Montoya. Call 916-443-5300 or check the theatre website for more information.
All My Sons 24 Jan.-8 Feb. by Curtain Club Theatre, 400 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. Directed by Peter Shipston with Phil Dionne, Deanna Rose, George Rideout, Laken Vanderee, Ricar Giachini, Jamie Sherman, Kayla Mouzos, Ian Hemming, Puneet Bajwa, Antonio Cadó, and Aayaan Mathur. Call 905-773-3434 or check the website for more information.
All My Sons by Curtain Club Theatre
Curtain Club Theatre
Red Curtain Foundation of the Arts
A View from the Bridge 17 Jan.-2 Feb. by Red Curtain Foundation of the Arts, 9315 State Ave. #J, Maryville, WA. Call 360 322 7402 or check the website for more information.
A View from the Bridge 24 Jan.-2 Feb. by Hilo Education Arts Repertory Theatre, at East Hawaii Cultural Center, 141 Kalākaua St. Hilo, Hawaii. Directed by Larry Reitzer, with David Greene, Suzenne Seradwyn, Dayva Escobar, Greg Berney, Damien Stack, Saul Rollason, Wilfred Gee and Mike Caputo. Call (808) 961-5711 or check the website for more information.
All My Sons 23 Jan.-2 Feb. by Little Theatre of Fall River, at the Firebarn, 340 Prospect St., Fall River, MA. Directed by Heather Gaffney-Hsu, with Jerry Larkin, Nancy Winokoor, Cam Torres, Emily Rizza, Ian Cooper, Jose Cabral, Moira Costigan-Carraher, Zachary Boulay, Abigail Duboyce, and Rowan Carraher. Call 508 675-1852 or check thewebsite for more information.
Little Theatre of Fall River
A View from the Bridge 17-26 Jan. by Marblehead Little Theatre, 12 School Street, Marblehead, MA. Directed by Kolton Bradley, with Joe La Rocca, Lesley Anderson, Julie Butters, Timothy Brown, Billy Lewand, Patirck Cassidy, Carla Perrota, Eamon Arthur, Jacob Driscoll, Victor Brandalise, Peter Cavicchio, and Sean O’brien. Call 781-631-9697 or check their website for more information.
Death of a Salesman preview on 9th and opening 10 Jan. through to 26th Jan. by Panic Productions at the Colony Theatre, 555 N 3rd St, Burbank, Los Angeles, CA. Directed by Mark Blanchard, with Joe Cortese, Frances Fisher, Cronin Cullen, Robert Smythe, Paul Ganus, Brian Guest, Gary Hudson, Jennifer Olsberg, Scottie Thompson and Chris Ufland. Set design by Justin Huen. Call (818) 558-7000 or check the website for more information.Thompson and Chris Ufland.
Enemy of the People 10-11 Jan. (as part of their table reading series, Off the Page!) by Santa Fe Classic Theater, at Teatro Paraguas, 3205 Calle Marie Santa Fe, NM. Directed by Suzanne Burstall Cross and Emily Rankin. Call (505) 336-0629 or check the website for more information.
Salesman at NAPA
Death of a Salesman 8-12 Jan. in Zia Mohyeddin Theatre at the National Academy of Performing Arts (Napa), V22C+QJP, M.R Kyani Rd, Saddar Civil Lines, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan. Translated by Mujtaba Zaidi. Directed by Faizan Chawla, with Usama Khan, Safia Bhalaisha, Ashmal Lalwany, Zohair Zubair, Saima Kamal, Aamir Naqvi, Jameel, Waqas Akhter, Awais Khaira, Rana Haider Ali, Hadia Nasir, and Kiran Amin. Call 0315-4560220 or check the townevent website for tickets or their FaceBook page for more information.
For lists of earlier productions, please click on any one of the relevant years below: