Second International Conference at Millersville University, April 7-8, 1995
Keynote Speaker:
Christopher Bigsby, “Arthur Miller and His Contemporaries.”
Papers Presented:
Matthew Roudané, “Arthur Miller and His Influence on Contemporary American Drama.”
Steven R. Centola, “‘How to Contain the Impulse of Betrayal’: A Sartrean Reading of The Ride Down Mt. Morgan.”
Brenda Murphy, “The Man Who Had All the Luck: Miller’s Answer to The Master Builder.”
Terry Otten, “Historical Drama and the Dimensions of Tragedy: A Man for All Seasons and The Crucible.”
Jon Tuttle, “The Efficacy of Work: Arthur Miller and Albert Camus’ ‘The Myth of Sisyphus.'”
Robert A. Martin, “Arthur Miller’s After the Fall: ‘A Play about a Theme.'”
Thomas E. Porter, “Strong Gods and Sexuality: Guilt and Responsibility in the Later Plays of Arthur Miller.”
Gerald Weales, “Arthur Miller Takes the Air.”
Jane Dominik, “Arthur Miller and Neil Simon: Tragic and Comic Viewpoint of the American Family.”
Janet Balakian, “Beyond the Male Locker-Room: Death of a Salesman from a Feminist Perspective.”
Stan Kozikowski, “The Death and Life of Willy Loman: A Re-examination of Miller’s Theory of Tragedy, the Play, and Their Significance.”
Jeanne Johnsey, “General Subversion and the Magistrate of the Heart: De-Politicizing Evil and the Witch Hunt in Arthur Miller, Caryl Churchill, and Robert Coover.”
Qun Wang, “The Dialogic Richness of the Timeless World of Tennessee Williams’ and Arthur Miller’s Drama.”
Norma Jenckes, “Making Connections between Arthur Miller and Edward Albee.”
Eric Sterling, “Broken Glass, Shattered Ideals: Sylvia’s Unconscious Fear of Helping in Miller’s Broken Glass.”
Todd Pettigrew, “Timebending Elia Kazan: Arthur Miller’s Tragic Autobiography.”
A number of the conference’s papers were collected and published in a special Arthur Miller edition of American Drama, vol 6, no 1 (Fall 1996).