An Introduction to Arthur Miller
Death of a Salesman
by Karen Morrisette
Arthur Miller has written plays in every decade since the 1930’s up to his death at 89 in 2005.
Show copies of texts.
He is one of America’s most prolific playwrights.
Explain what this means:
• Top 100 Masterpieces of the Modern Stage (according to Britain’s National Theatre survey):
#2 Death of a Salesman
#6 The Crucible
#45 A View from the Bridge
#66 All My Sons
• Some lists put Death of a Salesman at #1.
• Not a night goes by without a performance of Death of a Salesman somewhere in the world.
What does this say to you about the play you are about to read?
Early Life:
* Born October 17, 1915.
* Son of an illiterate Polish immigrant who became a wealthy coat salesman with his own factory.
* Family lived on 110th. St. in Harlem, NY (then a select area overlooking the Park).
* 1928- Family moves to Brooklyn.
* 1929- Miller’s father goes bankrupt.
Why do you think Miller’s family moved from upscale New York City to middle-class Brooklyn
when Arthur was 13?
How might life have changed for young Miller?
What does Miller’s father’s success and failure say to you about the nature of the “American Dream”?
* Miller describes the Great Depression that began in 1929 and lasted through the 1930s
as a major defining moment in his life.
* 1932- Graduates from high school and writes “In Memoriam” the following year while
working for his father. Tell story of Miller’s childhood experience with one of his father’s salesmen.
In what ways do you think this early story from Miller’s life is a precursor to Death of a Salesman?
* Family could not afford to send him to college, and his High School grades are poor.
* Miller writes several letters to Dean of University of Michigan promising to be a good student– on the third try the Dean offers him a chance if he can show he has $500 to pay for tuition.
* Works as a clerk at an auto-parts warehouse to raise funds.
* At University of Michigan wins several playwriting awards, which help pay his way.
* Earns BA in English in 1938 and returns to New York to work for the Federal Theater Project.
* 1940- marries 1st wife, Mary Slattery and has 2 children (Jane in 1944 Robert in 1947).
* 1944- The Man Who Had All the Luck is produced on Broadway but closes after 6 performances.
* 1945- Publishes novel Focus about anti-Semitism. Show “Featurette” of Focus DVD.
What was going on in the world in 1945 that influenced Miller’s novel Focus?
What does Miller’s presence on the set of the movie Focus tell you about the kind of writer he was?
* 1947-All My Sons opens, Miller’s first critical Broadway success, directed by hot director Elia Kazan
who had been having a string of successes.
* Kazan and Miller strike up a friendship.
* 1949- Death of a Salesman appears on Broadway, also directed by Elia Kazan.
* Since 1950 Miller has been nominated several times for the Nobel Prize for Literature, but never won.
Only American playwright to win Nobel Prize for literature is Eugene O’Neill. Miller has won the Pulitzer Prize.
Research question: What is the difference between the Nobel Prize and the Pulitzer Prize? How many times
and for which works did Miller receive the Pulitzer Prize?
The Hollywood Years:
* Miller and Kazan go to Hollywood to pitch movie idea about gangsters on the waterfront called The Hook.
* Movie studio wanted Miller to change the gangsters to communists. Miller refuses.
* Kazan asks Miller if he would escort a young lady to a Hollywood party, dance with her, and keep her company. The woman is Marilyn Monroe, 13 years younger than Miller.
* Miller is still married to Mary Slattery, but falls in love with Monroe, though tries to resist.
* 1952- Traveled to Salem, Mass. to investigate Salem Witch Trials of 1692, sees connections for a new play.
* Changes ages of people involved, makes John Proctor 13 years older than Abigail Williams.
What connections did he see in both his public and private life? Why did he change the ages of the characters?
* 1953- The Crucible on Broadway.
* 1954- Denied a passport renewal, to attend the Belgian premier of The Crucible.
* 1956-Subpoenaed to appear before the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), and in his testimony refuses to name names, saying, “I will not bring harm upon another human being,” and is cited for contempt. $400,000 spent in appeals.
* 1956- divorces Mary Slattery and marries Marilyn Monroe.
* 1956-1961- marriage to Monroe will provide material for After the Fall.
* 1956- charged with Contempt of Congress for not naming names.
Do you admire Miller for not informing? Why or why not?
* Elia Kazan DOES name names. Feels it’s important to take down the Communist Party. Many people harmed
by Kazan’s informing (loss of jobs, blacklisted, suicides). Miller breaks friendship with Kazan, though will later
forgive him sufficiently to allow him to direct After the Fall in 1964.
* 1960-In Nevada filming The Misfits, a film Miller has written as an acting vehicle for his wife.
* 1961- divorces Marilyn Monroe. Marries Inge Morath in February the following year.
* 1962- Monroe dies on August 4th.
* Miller and Morath spend most of their time in Miller’s Roxbury, Connecticut home. Morath was a professional
photographer. They had 2 children together, Rebecca (1963) and Daniel (1967).
Trivia Time!
Miller’s daughter, Rebecca, is an actress and screenwriter, who co-wrote the screenplay to the recent movie, Proof,
based on David Auburn’s play, which stars Gwenyth Paltrow, and wrote the screenplay for the film of
The Man Who Had All the Luck. Rebecca Miller is married to Daniel Day Lewis, who played John Proctor in
the 1997 film version of The Crucible, and the lead in Rebecca’s original 2005 movie The Ballad of Jack and Rose.
Later Life:
* 1983- Death of a Salesman is performed in China. Arthur Miller directs with translator. Huge success.
Shows universal appeal. Not just an American Dream play.
* At home in Conn. Miller is a carpenter. Made his bed and dining room table himself. Fixed cars.
* 1992- Miller speaks at Millersville University at the First International Arthur Miller Conference.
* 1999- an innovative 50th anniversary production of Death of a Salesman on Broadway is a big success.
* 2002 Morath dies.
* 2004- Writes Finishing the Picture, clearly based on incidents during the filming of The Misfits; Miiller’s final tribute to Monroe?
* 2005- On February 5 Miller dies of heart failure at the age of 89.
Death of a Salesman
* Originally called “The Inside of His Head.” Miller had intended for the set to look like a giant head.
* Opens on Broadway February 10, 1949. Directed by Elia Kazan. Set and lighting design by Jo Mielziner
Sketch set Teacher draws on board and explains.
Copy the set design here:
* Miller always worked closely with actors and directors.
* Changed the description of the set in the didascalia when he saw Mielziner’s set design.
* Changed the words of the play based on casting. Page 37 “walrus” to “shrimp” depending on casting.
* Changed Biff’s character from mean to more sensitive.
Willy is made to feel obsolete by the rapidly changing world around him.
What happens when a man is made to feel like he’s worthless? Give some modern examples.
Miller’s Main Themes in the play:
Drama deals with characters displaced from what they believe to be their rightful place in society.
The tragic hero refuses to remain passive or settle for half. Must regain lost honor.
Despite adversity or our “givens,” we are always free to choose. Note the last line of Salesman.
We must accept responsibility for our choices, our culpability in the “murder” of others.
Concentration camp example from After the Fall.
Quote: “Fate is the unforeseen consequences of our actions.”
Miller refuses to believe his works are pessimistic. As a humanist he believes in man’s possibilities.
Question for discussion after reading the play:
Do you feel sorry for Willy Loman? Cite examples with page #’s to explain why or why not.
If time:
Assign roles and read a scene from Death of a Salesman.
Name 3 things you learned today about Arthur Miller?
Name 3 things you learned today about Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman?