Eleventh International Conference held at Community College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, October 19-21, 2006: “Arthur Miller and the American West.”
Panels presented:
“The Trial of Willy Loman.” John Esperian, Community College of Southern Nevada.
“Creating the Arthur Miller Project: Describing the process of creating a new work based on the writings of Arthur Miller.” Jason Gerace and Susan Shaughnessy, University of Oklahoma.
All My Sons: A Pre-production panel, led by Director Jon Hennington.
Teaching Arthur Miller: Discussion Seminar, led by Susan Abbotson, Rhode Island College.
Keynote Speech:
“Miller and The Misfits” Chris Bigsby, University of East Anglia.
Performance of All My Sons in the college theater by BackStage Theater.
All My Sons: Literary Panel:
“From The Sign of the Archer to All My Sons.” Brenda Murphy, University of Connecticut.
“Joe Keller and Howard Hughes: A Symbolic Reading of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons” Joshua Polster, University of Washington.
“Miller’s Women in the Garden” Tina Eliopulos and Todd Moffett, Community College of Southern Nevada.
All My Sons: A Post-production panel, led by Director Jon Hennington.
The Misfits: Literary Panel:
“Paradise Keeps Slipping Back: The Misfits and After the Fall” Ashis Sengupta, University of North Bengal, India.
“Re-Visioning the Western: Landscape and Gender in The Misfits” Georgiana Banita, University of Constance, Germany.
“Wind Blew Down/Wind Came Up: “The Misfits” and the Imagery of Arthur Miller” Stephen Marino, St. Francis College.
Wine Tasting followed by screening of The Misfits.
Other Presentations:
“A Gunfight in Brooklyn: Teddy Roosevelt Meets Arthur Miller.” Doug Mishler.
“There’s No Place Like Home: Robert Frost and Arthur Mille.r” George Monteiro.
“Death of a Salesman and the Small Business Administration: The Little Guy in Mid-Century American Culture.” Michael Tavel Clarke, University of Calgary, Canada.
“Miller’s Shorts: The Uncollected Stories–Dirty Laundry or Brilliant Gems?” Susan Abbotson, Rhode Island College.
“Marilyn Monroe and the Embodiment of the West.” Kate Egerton, Berea College.
“Gender Relations in Arthur Miller.” Stephen Macauley, Utah State University.
Arthur Miller Society Meeting